6th Annual Celebrity Poker Tournament
Autism Speaks' 6th Annual Celebrity Poker Tournament took place August 18th at Hudson Loft in Downtown Los Angeles.
Proceeds from the event will benefit Autism Speaks’ Southern California Chapter in its mission to promote solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families and your support makes that possible. The evening began with craft cocktails, gourmet food, and networking with celebrities, influencers, business leaders and supporters of Autism Speak. Guests participated in a competitive Texas Hold’em Poker tournament as well as an exciting silent and live auction.
Hudson Loft
1200 S Hope St, 4th floor
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Event Committee
Chip In Celebrity Poker Tournament Committee
Ron Burkhardt
Priscilla Picard
Paula Cardello
M.J. Dougherty
Julie Stupp
Joe Fitzpatrick
Chris Stratford
Anthony Jenkinson
Andy Bourne
Kristen Mays, Chair
Southern California Board of Directors
Anshu Batra MD
Andy Bourne
Nicole Coleman
Charles Hassell
Tom Iland
Georgianna Junco-Kelman
Lisa Katz
Kristen Mays
Nikki McRory
Nikki Pesusich
Priscilla Picard
Harry Topping Jr.
Martin Vann
Pamela Phillips
Melinda Fulmer
2018 Celebrity Players
RJ Mitte (Breaking Bad, Switched at Birth)
Ed Begley Jr. (Whatever Works, Pineapple Express, Ghostbusters: Answer the Call)
Fred Melamed (Lady Dynamite, Casual, The Spy Who Dumped Me)
Sean Kanan (The Bold and the Beautiful)
Patrika Darbo (Days of our Lives)
Paul Johansson (One Tree Hill)
M.J. Dougherty ( Author -Life Lessons from a Total Failure)
Elizabeth J. Carlisle (Bosch, House, How I Met Your Mother)
Erin Murphy (Bewitched)
Massi Furlan (The Dark Knight Rises, American Crime Story)
Monty Geer (Awkward)
Brandon Black (Dear White People, 13 Reasons Why, Insecure)
Ty Olsson (X-Men 2, War for Planet of the Apes, Rise of Planet of the Apes)
Niko Pepaj (Daytime Divas, Awkward, Bunheads)
Michael Patrick Lane (Dynasty)
Lea Coco (Queen Sugar, Sinister 2)
William Marquart (Subject 5)
Michael Dargatis (Batman V. Superman : Dawn of Justice)
Katy Bodenhamer (The Office)
For more information, please contact:
Elizabeth Roland
(323) 297-4730