
McCafferty Family

He is one lucky boy to be your son: A letter to an autism dad

Kimberlee Rutan McCafferty shares an open letter to her husband, a father of two sons on the autism spectrum.
Facebook fundraiser

How to start a Facebook fundraiser for Autism Speaks

Start a Facebook fundraiser for Autism Speaks in three easy steps!
Ryan Lee and friends
Life on the Spectrum

A poem about creating an inclusive world

Read a poem by self-advocate Ryan Lee on creating an inclusive world.
Autism Speaks Asks: Got Questions?
Expert Opinion

Is there research on the use of cannabis products with children with autism?

Cannabis products have been receiving a lot of attention since medical and recreational marijuana use has been being legislated around the U.S. Media
Kerry Magro at his graduation

I just graduated with my doctorate and I have autism

Click here to read a post by Kerry Magro about graduating with his doctorate while on the spectrum.
Autism Speaks Research
Science News

Autism Speaks and Royal Arch Masons fund 2 new studies on auditory processing disorder

Autism Speaks, with the support of a Royal Arch Research Assistance grant, is funding two pilot studies to understand central auditory processing
Beat the Heat Feature

12 ways to beat the heat this summer

In an effort help our family and yours ride out the heat waves - I've compiled a list of tip, tricks, and activities to keep us cool all summer long!
J-Jaye and her family wearing Autism Speaks shirts

Four tips for a smooth transition to Summer

The school year is winding down and it's time for Summer break! Click here to read four tips for a smooth transition into Summer.
A mother and young child hugging on a beach at sunset

A letter to my son with autism on Mother’s Day

Read a letter from a mother, Tina Velazquez, to her autistic son about how he changed her life and what she learned from taking care of him.
Sandy and David Petrovic

A salute to mothers of children with autism

With Mother’s Day being around the corner, I wanted to take this time to emphasize how truly valuable mothers are, especially those with special needs
insar policy brief feature

INSAR releases first policy brief, focuses on employment and autism

"It is clear that improving the employment opportunities and outcomes for autistic adolescents and adults will have significant benefits to workplaces
Cake with an autism symbol puzzle piece on it

Autism Speaks announces co-chairs for 2019 Celebrity Chef Gala: Matt Higgins and Christina Tosi

Christina Tosi and Matt Higgins are joining Autism Speaks to co-chair the event. The pair made the announcement official with their followers on
Blogger Patricia Powell
Life on the Spectrum

I finally understood why I felt different after my autism diagnosis

With my diagnosis, I now had a clear-cut reason for why I was so different from my peers, and especially why they treated me the way that they had.
Amy Kelly, MBA, MNM and Liza Krassner, MPA
Science News

Family Advisors:  The power and importance of connection

For many families who care for a loved one with autism spectrum disorder, access to knowledge and resources to support autism is critical. The right
MSSNG main image
Science News

Autism Speaks’ MSSNG project reaches 10,000-genome milestone

World’s largest autism whole-genome database a beacon to developing new solutions for individuals with autism and their families
workplace - Photo by Venveo on Unsplash
Life on the Spectrum

Employment and autism: Persevering through successes and roadblocks

Perseverance and resilience are what have helped me to deal with the challenges in volunteerism and employment on the autism spectrum.