
Tool Kit Excerpt

Supporting Your Friend's Child with Autism

When your friend's child is diagnosed with autism, one of the ways you can help is by supporting her child. Your friend will appreciate that you want
group of children walking outside
Tool Kit Excerpt

What to do when your friend’s child is diagnosed with autism

Click here to read Katie Read's do's and don'ts when supporting a friend whose child is diagnosed with autism.
keys to a house hanging from the door knob
Tool Kit Excerpt

Funding for Housing

There are a number of options for funding housing including housing grants for families with autism. Click here to read an except from the Autism
Tool Kit Excerpt

Funding for Residential Support Services

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Housing and Residential Supports Tool Kit on Funding for Residential Support Services.
Tool Kit Excerpt

Putting the Pieces Together: Options for Housing & Models for Residential Supports

When planning for residential services and supports for an individual with autism, there are three aspects of housing that should be considered.
Tool Kit Excerpt

Beginning the Housing Search: Questions to Consider

Click here to read an excerpt on questions to consider when beginning a housing search from the Autism Speaks Housing and Residential Supports Tool
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Tool Kit Excerpt

Accommodations on the Job

Most people with autism require accommodations in the workplace. This section of the Employment Tool Kit has information on various accommodations.
Tool Kit Excerpt

Finding a Job that is Right for You

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Employment Tool Kit on employment models and which option is best for you.
laptop on a table being used by a man in a suit
Tool Kit Excerpt

Employment Rights

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Employment Tool Kit on employment rights of disabled workers.
Jon coach
Tool Kit Excerpt

To Disclose or Not To Disclose?

Should you disclose a disability on a job application or in the workplace? Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Employment Tool Kit on
Tool Kit Excerpt

The Job Interview

This is an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Employment Tool Kit. JobTIPS provides an excellent step-by-step guide to help you prepare for your job
Tool Kit Excerpt

Employment Models: Which Option is Best for You?

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Employment Tool Kit on finding a job that is right for you.
Young autistic adults learn social skills with PEERS

Video: This program is teaching social skills to young adults with autism

The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS), is a 16 week-long program that teaches social skills, including tips on
Elizabeth Laugeson, director of the UCLA PEERS Clinic, leads a class for young adults who have autism.

Social skills classes produce lasting benefits for adults with autism

A social skills program for young adults with autism provides lasting benefits, including steady growth in social connections, according to a new
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Autism and friendships

Lisa Smith, mother to a son with autism, shares the components that were used to help foster friendships for her son.
Tool Kit Excerpt

Tips on Applying for Financial Aid

Below is a post by J-Jaye Hurley, autism mom and Autism Speaks Autism Response Team coordinator. 1. Print all pages of the application and read