
Family ECHO: Autism

October 25, 2023 at 4:00 pm
Online Event

From navigating a diagnosis to learning about new therapies, parents, and caregivers of children with autism need an immense amount of knowledge and support in order to provide the best care to their loved ones. But often, that information can be difficult to access.
Family ECHO: Autism is a virtual learning program for families and caregivers raising children with autism. The sessions are designed to shift medical and behavioral information from the clinic into the hands of parents and caregivers so they can learn to better support and care for their autistic children. Session topics have been chosen based on input from participants.
As an “all teach, all learn” environment, Family ECHO: Autism connects families with an interdisciplinary panel of experts from the Autism Care Network. The series is designed to increase autism knowledge, build leadership skills for managing interdisciplinary care teams, and provide strategies that can be applied by families and their teams.

What can you expect?

Eligible participants will register to participate in a 75-minute Zoom session. Each session will include:

• Presentation from subject experts on critical topics and best practices related to autism
• An interactive discussion about a clinical case study
• A Q&A with the presenter and an opportunity to provide feedback
• Resources relevant to the session

Who is eligible for Family ECHO?

To be eligible to participate in a Family ECHO session, you must fall into one of these groups:

• A family member of a child or young adult with autism
• Professional working in the field of autism
• Both a family member and a professional working in the field of autism

Register for Family ECHO: Autism today and arm yourself with the knowledge you need to be your child’s best advocate.…

Our Autism Response Team (ART) is specially trained to connect people with autism, their families, and caretakers to information, tools, and resources.

Get in touch with ART