The Autism Speaks Miami Gala presented by the Jeffrey and Jenny Binder Charitable Foundation will be held on Saturday, March 16, 2024, at the JW Marriott Marquis Miami. The event promises to 'Light Up the Night' alongside members of the South Florida community in celebration of Autism Speaks and our mission-focused initiatives. Guests will enjoy an exquisite meal, an open bar, silent and live auctions, and dancing. Join us for a fun filled evening in support of Autism Speaks.

New this year is our After Glow Bash following the main event, where we are inviting Emerging Leaders to join the celebration.


What Your Support Means

ensuring access to reliable information & services
supporting research & innovationimproving quality of life
fostering advocacy, partnership& collaboration
speeding delivery of solutionsfor adult quality of life
increasing early screening &timely interventions
promoting diversity, equity,access & inclusion