
Social skills and autism… by the idea of new experiences. Building up social skills with practice can help enhance participation in the community and support outcomes like happiness and friendships. We have compiled social skills tips and information from experts, teachers, … school, and in the community. A special education teacher, speech pathologist, or other clinician may lead a “social skills group” that combines direct, explicit instruction with opportunities to practice and generalize these skills in more natural …
CST information for professionals… with lack of access to quality care and interventions. In response to this need, the World Health Organization (WHO), with support from Autism Speaks, developed the Caregiver Skills Training (CST) for Families of Children with Developmental Delays … and teachers to deliver parent training with supervision from skilled trainers. Consisting of 12 sessions, including nine group training sessions and three home visits, the CST program aims to help parents and caregivers of children with autism …
Advocacy Perspective: During Black History Month, A Call To Action To Advance Health Equity … adverse health challenges.   Autism Speaks was a frequent flyer in my office on the Hill. I often met with a very diverse group of AS ambassadors. They not only advocated for the autistic community but for health equity generally. I saw as they … services. These data indicate that too many Black autistic children are going undiagnosed - without the services and support they need and deserve.  Our approach to change this is through community-based services that empower those who are … with autism and developmental disabilities or delays how to use their everyday routines and home activities to best support their children’s communication and behavioral health needs. Our Public Health Team’s work – which has impacted lives …
Recognizing and preventing sexual abuse… to stay calm, listen carefully, and NEVER blame the child. Thank the child for telling you and reassure him or her of your support. Call for help immediately. If you know or suspect that a child is being or has been sexually abused, please call: … There are a number of treatments for children who have been sexually abused, including: Individual therapy Family therapy Group therapy Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy Child-centered therapy From  American Psychological Association   …