
What I learned from managing employees on the autism spectrum… allow her to excel using her skills and talents.  Though her dream is one shared by many, Jordan is a person living with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Stereotypes, the misperceptions of others, and some challenges associated with autism can …
5 things I want to share with my fellow autism dads… This guest blog post is by Mathew Oakes. Matt blogs with his wife Courtney about parenting on the autism spectrum at 808 [The Adventures] .    I spent a lot of time this week thinking about being a dad. I’ve only been one for a few years, but we’ve packed a lot into them: a miscarriage, two rough pregnancies, an autism diagnosis, and then a second kiddo on her own early intervention journey. But if  my participation in filmmaker … Corbyn Tyson's 2014 documentary series , The Fatherhood Project, reminded of anything, it’s these: Advice for my fellow autism dads 1. Own your story There’s that point early in the journey as an autism parent where you have to decide how open …
Why has this grade schooler with autism started whispering?… “Our 11 year old son is a minimally verbal boy on the autism spectrum. He can say a few words including ‘papa’ and ‘mama.’ But in the last year, he suddenly started only … SSM Cardinal Glennon Medical Center of the Saint Louis University School of Medicine. The center is one of 14 sites in the  Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network  (ATN). Editor’s note: The following information is not meant to diagnose or treat …
Teen with Autism Needs Help with Hygiene & Appropriate Behavior… Newsom, PsyD, director of psychology education at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center’s Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders, Nashville; Stormi Pulver White, PsyD, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center’s Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Dallas; and Cora Taylor, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center. …
Encouraging picky eaters with autism to try new foods …   Emily Kuschner, PhD, is a clinical psychologist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, a center within Autism Speaks Autism Care Network , who works within the hospital’s Lurie Family Foundation’s MEG Imaging Center, its Department of …
Teacher seeks advice: Student with autism intimidates others … Hospital Child Development Center and Ohio State University. The hospital and university are among the 13 sites in the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network. I teach in a self-contained classroom for students who have autism. I hear a lot about kids with …
Helping children with autism get ready for the school bus… This is a post by J-Jaye Hurley, proud mother to Jackson (age 13), an 8th-grader with autism and a seasoned school bus rider. J-Jaye also is a member of our Autism Response Team.   Lots of kids ride a bus to school. If your child has autism, the bus ride may be a challenge. …
Will communication device hamper real speech in child with autism?… SSM Cardinal Glennon Medical Center of the Saint Louis University School of Medicine. The center is one of 14 sites in the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network  (ATN). “My son has autism and speaks a few words. The school has recommended using a …
3 things that have made me a better autism parent… Geege Taylor is an author and an autism advocate who is passionate about challenging the negative perceptions of those living with disabilities.  3 New Year resolutions that made me a better autism parent   These aren’t your typical “I’m going to stop drinking so many Coke’s” or “I’m going to start to flossing … suggestion was that I tape a sign on Ainsworth’s back that read: “Please have patience as I’m dealing with someone on the autism spectrum.” Wasn’t it challenging enough dealing with these behaviors? Now I was supposed to attract even more …
Parents of child with autism seek help with public meltdowns… strategies for handling the situation?” This week’s “Got Questions?” answer is by child psychologist Lauren Elder, Autism Speaks assistant director for dissemination science. For the blogs referenced in the above question, see "Help for … to have good behavior if he or she clearly understands what’s expected. Preparing for public outings For children with autism, social stories and visual cues can be particularly helpful in conveying your expectations. You can tailor your …