
Grandson Has Autism, Gets Teased for Messy Eating… and avoided at school. How can we help him?” Today’s “Food for Thought” answer is from child psychologist Lauren Elder, Autism Speaks assistant director for dissemination science, and occupational therapist Alison Wheeland, a University of Southern California doctoral student completing her residency with Autism Speaks. This is a tricky situation!  We definitely don’t want him getting teased when he could learn to eat more …
How I adjusted my home for a loved one with autism… passionate about lending new perspective and awareness of good causes and philanthropic organizations. For many living with autism spectrum disorder, the seemingly small task of visiting a house that isn’t your own can be like walking into a minefield of new noises, sights, smells, and feelings. Folks with autism suffer from hypersensitivity and sensory overload, so otherwise ordinary experiences like this can be totally … home, here are some tips to get you started. Empathize with them The first step in adjusting our home for my cousin on the autism spectrum was to try to understand where he was coming from and how he was perceiving our environment. We took a walk …
A parent’s perspective on understanding challenging behaviors associated with autism…   When Ella was diagnosed with autism at age three, her parents, Tanaya and Aaron, were fearful of what this meant for their daughter’s future. At the … so that her unique gifts could be channeled during her journey to reaching her full potential. Learn more about Ella’s autism journey in this Q&A with her mom and dad Please share your initial thoughts when you first received the news about … mean for my child’s prospects for having a fulfilling life?” In our case, having some professional knowledge regarding the autism spectrum, we were at least aware that the possible answers to these questions were diverse. But to be perfectly …
The ways I bond with my thrill-seeker son on the autism spectrum… two. She is an office assistant and former homeschool teacher turned "life coach" to her son Alex, who was diagnosed with autism in 1998 at the age of two and a half. She admits that he is really her coach.   “Sometimes they say it can be a rough … Mom.” Uh oh. As is usually the case, Alex had not given up on an idea that I thought was completely settled. As many autism parents know, our kids have tremendous difficulty when it comes to loud noises, crowds, language, but often no fear … to my demise.  As soon as we came to a stop, Alex immediately wanted to get back in line to ride again.  What kid with autism do YOU know who is EXCITED to wait in line?  What autism parent encourages activities that involve waiting?  On that …
Girl with autism shines singing holiday version of 'Hallelujah'… Get ready to be blown away by the voice of Kaylee Rodgers, a 10-year-old girl with autism who has gone viral singing a variation on Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah." Kaylee Rogers attends Killard House School in … really talk, wouldn’t really read out in class, to stand and perform in front of an audience is amazing.” … Girl with autism shines singing holiday version of 'Hallelujah' …
My son with autism started texting and it's brilliant… The post below is by Lisa Smith, the mother of seven children, two with special needs. Her son Tate has autism. Lisa blogs about her experiences and can be found on Facebook at  Quirks and Chaos . Read the original Tate's Texts post here .   My 13-year-old son Tate has autism. He also has 3 brothers and 3 sisters and an iPad with a texting app. Tate loves to text. Often we can hear clearly … like to see Tate's "P I T C H U R S", then here's the link to that:  The pictures from Tate's camera . … My son with autism started texting and it's brilliant …
Mom calls for acceptance of son with autism in open letter…   Ireland mom, Nicole Duggan's Facebook post calling for acceptance of her son with autism has gone well beyond the social network and is being shared by news sites around the world.  "I never expected it to … world." Read the full post below:  When I set up this page I promised myself that this year I would make people understand autism. Every year people make out their goals or wishes for the year. My main wish for this year is to make the "judgers" … in my small mans shoes and you will understand how much of a superhero he really is. … Mom calls for acceptance of son with autism in open letter …
Autism Speaks Applauds Endrew F. v. Douglas SCOTUS ruling… “This decision is a victory for students on the autism spectrum . It reaffirms that all publicly funded schools have an obligation to provide all students the supports they … the greatest needs – are only entitled to services designed to help them achieve the bare minimum amount of progress. … Autism Speaks Applauds Endrew F. v. Douglas SCOTUS ruling …
Talk To Me Tuesday By Autism Society Inland Empire… Talk To Me Tuesday By Autism Society Inland Empire …
Different Like Me (Online) By Autism Community Connection… Different Like Me (Online) By Autism Community Connection …