
Autism Speaks Northern CA: COVID-19 Resources and Support… This event is free, but registration is required. Objectives for this webinar include: Autism Speaks Mission Updates Evidence-Based Tools to Keep your Family Safe and Healthy Resources and Supports for COVID-19 Ways to Get Involved in your Local Community Presenters include: Kelly Bertenthal Area Senior Director AutismSpeaks Arianna Espinosa, BCBA, MBA Director, Lifespan Services and Supports Autism Speaks Marianne Sullivan, RN …
2019 MD: Autism Speaks Adult Services Town Hall… This Town Hall will focus on the services and resources available to teens and adults on the autism spectrum in Anne  Arundel County, MD.  The goal of this town hall is to learn about the growing population of teens and adults with autism, to discuss the full range of services for teens and adults with autism and to empower the participants in the areas …
Autism Speaks Upper Midwest Pathways to Early Intervention and Support… What comes next after your child is screened for or diagnosed with autism? Join Autism Speaks, clinicians, experts and agencies at our free webinar to find out. Learn how early intervention improves …
Vanderbilt Autism Treatment Network Family Workshop: Tools for your Child on the Autism Spectrum: Creating Visual Supports and Managing Blood Draws… Held at the Curb Center at Vanderbilt, 1801 Edgehill Ave., Nashville. Families of children with autism are invited to learn about how to create visual aids to help with daily routines and a specific additional focus on … and Whitney Loring, Psy.D. Free parking available in VU Zone 1 lots 80, 82, & 122. Click here to register. … Vanderbilt Autism Treatment Network Family Workshop: Tools for your Child on the Autism Spectrum: Creating Visual Supports and Managing …
Dollar General will collect donations through April for Autism Speaks… more than 14,600 Dollar General retail locations across the 44 states it serves plans to collect donations to benefit Autism Speaks, the world’s largest autism science and advocacy organization. Customers may donate any amount at the checkout counter to support Autism Speaks, …
Autism in adult women: 'You don't seem autistic to me' …   This is a post by Autism Speaks Board Member Valerie Paradiz, Ph.D. Dr. Paradiz is the director of Valerie Paradiz, LLC, a consultancy that … assistance and strategic development to schools, universities, corporations and agencies that support individuals with autism.   “You don’t seem autistic to me.” I hear these words often. Sometimes they are said in disbelief or outright …
Indian Health Service host Autism Awareness Interagency Roundtable… On April 2nd, 2018, Autism Speaks celebrated World Autism Awareness Day by joining the Indian Health Service to present the first Autism Awareness Interagency Roundtable. …
Parents seek autism advice: Adult daughter stressed at work… Our daughter is 23. She has autism, can express herself and respond, has made great strides in her development and now has a community job though a day … we leave her alone and not suppress these outlets for her stress? Is this sort of thing common when children who have autism become adults? This week’s “Got Questions?” response is by autism educator Peter Gerhardt, an internationally respected expert on helping adolescents and adults with autism succeed in …
Coding and autism: Learning the skills I need to start a tech career… guest blog post is by Peter M. Souza Jr. He is 34-years old, from California. At age 33, he was diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum.  He is in his 8th week of Coding Autism. For me, this opportunity means I am no longer working alone. For years I studied code on my own, learning a …
How 'The Good Doctor' developed its main character with autism… Melissa Reiner is the Autism Consultant on the ABC TV show, "The Good Doctor." As a Certified RDI Consultant with a Master’s Degree in Special Education she founded AskMelissaNow and Bridging Pathways – Autism and Behavioral Consulting to equip and empower people with the tools techniques and resources they need to overcome …