
GI Distress and Autism: Q&A with Pediatric Gastroenterologist Tim Buie… In response to a high-profile report linking gastrointestinal distress and behavioral issues in autism, we invited the highly respected pediatric gastroenterologist Timothy Buie to answer parent questions. Dr. Buie specializes in autism care and research at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Lurie Center for Autism, a member of the Autism Speaks Autism
How does sensory processing affect communication in kids with autism?… By neuroscientist Sarah H. Baum, an Autism Speaks Meixner Postdoctoral Research Fellow pursuing her  fellowship project  on autism-related sensory-processing challenges at the Vanderbilt Brain Institute. Dr. Baum uses a combination of …
Parents ask: What should we look for in an autism evaluation?… este en español . It’s important to obtain an evaluation by healthcare professionals who are experienced in identifying autism spectrum disorder (ASD) across a range of ages and symptom severity. As with any healthcare issue, you want … or other simple medical test for making the diagnosis. Nor is there any one behavior or other characteristic that indicates autism. Rather, experienced professionals look for a broad but specific group of symptoms. This requires direct observation …
You’re invited: Research-related webinars & webcasts of interest to the autism community… The National Institutes of Health invites the autism community to participate in the next full meeting of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) on Wednesday, April 26, from 9 to 5 Eastern, on the campus of the National Institutes …
12 Things I’d like teachers to understand about autism… The post below is by Lisa Smith, the mother of seven children, two with special needs. Her son Tate has autism. Lisa blogs about her experiences and can be found on Facebook at  Quirks and Chaos . 12 things I’d like to tell teachers about autism   I have a follower who is a teacher and she asked me to do a “Ten things I’d like to tell teachers about autism” list. I came up with 12 things that I would tell my son’s teachers in grade school if I could go back in time.  1. …
Autism Speaks CEO, Angela Geiger meets with Congressional leaders… Last week, Autism Speaks President and CEO Angela Geiger met with Congressional leaders including Senator Roy Blunt (MO), House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (LA-1) and Representative Tom Cole (OK-4) to highlight the importance of autism research. Ms. Geiger thanked Senator Blunt and Rep. Cole for their leadership and support for the …
My dreams for my son with autism going into the new year… This blog post was written by Kathy Hooven who's son Ryan has autism. You can read more about Kathy and her family on her blog,  The AWEnesty of Autism .   Yesterday was decoration tear down day, which is always a bit of a downer, so my husband and I cranked some …
Autism Speaks announces new grant funding for early-career scientists …   NEW YORK - In further support of the mission objective to be a catalyst for life-enhancing research breakthroughs, Autism Speaks announced a new round of funding this week for two research fellowship programs for early career scientists. Pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship awards are available to researchers studying autism as graduate students or after completing a doctoral program. “Supporting the work of the next generation of autism
Researchers report findings on getting autism treatments into diverse communities … attention on racial and other social inequities, research presentations on Day 3 of the International Society for Autism Research annual meeting included findings related to getting autism care and knowledge into diverse communities.  A series of presentations by panelists looked at access to services for …
A Parent Wonders: Are New Repetitive Behaviors OCD or ‘Just Autism’… go the "right way.” Can you offer guidance on whether these behaviors are obsessive compulsive disorder or just part of his autism? What might help?” This week’s “Got Questions?” answer comes from clinical psychologist and associate professor Judy … of The Children's Hospital and the University of Colorado School of Medicine, in Denver. Both institutions are part of the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network . Great question.  A number of psychological disorders – including obsessive …