
All Aboard! AIM Clinics Chattanooga Open House… clinic in Chattanooga. We'll have stations for you to stop at along the way to meet our staff, learn about the benefits of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for autism, and of course, have fun! While onboard, you will learn about our new clinic and pick up …
Many children with autism on medication without behavioral therapy… Study by Autism Speaks ATN raises red flag because, in most cases, first-line treatment should involve non-drug behavioral approaches Editor’s note: The following information is not meant to diagnose or treat and should not take the … Research Network on Physical Health . Behavioral interventions and medications Behavioral interventions such as Applied Behavior Analysis help children with autism regulate their emotions and reduce harmful behaviors while improving social interaction …
A parent’s perspective on understanding challenging behaviors associated with autism… to loud noises, smells and clothing textures. Today, thanks to an array of early intervention services, including applied behavior analysis (ABA), and the unwavering support of her family, Ella is 6 years old and thriving. In the three years since her …
Expert Q&A: How ABA therapy can help with severe behaviors… Some people diagnosed with autism struggle with severe and distressing behaviors that can be destructive, harmful to the individual and others. This can impact their participation in learning and … aggression, self-injurious behaviors, elopement (running away) and pica (eating things that aren’t food), among others.  Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is an evidence-based intervention that can help people with autism learn healthier behaviors and …
Study reveals long-term language benefits of early intensive behavioral intervention for autism … Recent findings suggest that early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) programs are a promising solution for improving language outcomes in children with autism.   EIBI programs use the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA) to develop personalized intervention strategies and address the diverse challenges that individuals on …
What is Discrete Trial Training?… Is it the same approach as ABA? There tends to be a lot of confusion between terms Discrete Trial Training (DTT) and  Applied Behavioral Analysis  (ABA). Often times when people talk about ABA programs for children with autism, they are actually referring to …
Two Day Parent Training Worksop… child . . . and a family? • What are the benefits of parent training – why do parents need to learn how to teach? • What is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and why does my child and family need it? – basic principles of ABA and how they can help in managing daily …
Montana’s Medicaid benefit changes to provide more children with autism the treatment they need… Exciting changes have come to Montana’s Medicaid Program for those children with autism! In 2017, Montana began covering Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) when prescribed for children with autism who are served by Medicaid. But in the years since, state officials …
Can ABA help a teen on the mildly affected end of the autism spectrum?… Today’s “Got Questions?” answer is by behavior analysts Sungwoo Kahng and Janine Stichter, of the University of Missouri’s Thompson Center for Autism and … with a qualified healthcare professional and/or behavioral therapist. Thanks for your question. The simple answer is that Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) can be quite helpful across both the autism spectrum and the lifespan. For readers who aren’t familiar, ABA …
6 ways to assist your child's ABA instructor… Columbia University Medical Center, an Autism Treatment Network (ATN) center. Dr. Kovacs is a co-author of the ATN/AIR-P’s  Applied Behavior Analysis Tool Kit .  How can I best partner with my child’s ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) instructor? First, I’m delighted …