
Autism vocabulary 101… The post below is by Lisa Smith, the mother of seven children, two with special needs. Her son Tate has autism. Lisa blogs about her experiences and can be found on Facebook at  Quirks and Chaos . When my youngest son Tate was diagnosed with autism, I knew almost nothing about autism. I began to read and research desperately. I often had to stop and find a …
Nutrition… Nutrition plays an integral role in living a healthy lifestyle. Many children and adults with autism face challenges that can make a nutritious diet especially difficult. Food sensitivities, gastroenterological issues … just a few examples. The following resources can help you and your family overcome these challenges.  Tool Kits from the Autism Care Network Exploring Feeding Behavior in Autism: A Parent's Guide Managing Constipation in Children: A Parent's …
Autism Speaks commends advancement of the Autism CARES Act of 2019… Washington, D.C. (June 25, 2019)  – Autism Speaks applauds the advancement of the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support Act of 2019 (Autism CARES Act of 2019) (H.R. …
Autism Speaks launches Autism Care Network to improve autism care across North America … NEW YORK, April 29, 2021 --  Autism Speaks announces the launch of the Autism Care Network , the first and only learning health network of its kind focused on bringing better autism care to …
Wandering prevention… A research study confirmed what many parents know well: Wandering by children with autism is common , dangerous and puts tremendous stress on families. We also know that people with autism of all ages can have wandering tendencies. Review the resources and information below to help you develop a …
Recognizing and preventing sexual abuse… been given to sexual education and safety for autistic people and their families. With this troubling information in mind, Autism Speaks is providing families with information regarding sexual abuse. Below you will find information from experts … will help to keep everyone safe. Parents may feel anxious teaching their children about sexuality, especially children with autism. Some parents feel that it is less important to teach young adults with autism about sexuality with the assumption …
Recognizing and preventing abuse… disabilities are vulnerable to abuse compared to their peers. Given how critical it is to keep our loved ones safe, Autism Speaks has gathered information from experts in the field explaining what abuse is, the signs of abuse, what to do if … around staff training on abuse and neglect. If they don’t have any, you should be concerned. What can an individual with autism do to keep themselves safe? Individuals with autism need to be empowered to be leaders and advocate for themselves in …
6 Things autistic people want bullies to know…   Unfortunately, children with autism are especially vulnerable to bullying. Evidence shows over 60% of children and young adults with autism experience bullying. With that, we asked several of our bloggers who have autism to share what they would want to tell bullies and reflect on their own personal experiences with bullying to educate …
South Jersey WalkAutism Speaks Walk is powered by the love of people with autism and the parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, relatives and providers who support them. … South Jersey Walk …
My experiences in the world of dating on the spectrum … about having a boyfriend, whether you’re on the spectrum or not, it’s that we are all very similar. Just because we have autism doesn’t mean we don’t engage in “pon farr.” If you have never seen Star Trek, it's a reference to the way Mr. Spock …