
Finding Your Community… Over 20% of the inquiries our Autism Speaks Autism Response Team (ART) receives are for information about autism and community services. Common requests are for …
Judicial System… If a person involved in a crime is on the autism spectrum, the way in which the people involved in the judicial system communicate with them must be altered … that the person understands the judicial system, the situation at hand and the court process is essential. Enlisting an autism expert to help guide the process is also helpful to both those in the judicial system and the person involved. If an …
Loving on the Spectrum: Dani Bowman and Jennifer Cook share tips for dating on the spectrum… Spotify Google Podcasts Stitcher Resources related to this Episode: Eileen's  Facebook ,  Instagram ,  LinkedIn ,  The Autism Cafe Jennifer's website ,  Instagram Dani's  DaniMation  website,  Personal website ,  Instagram,   Facebook ,  … views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the views of Autism Speaks. …
Els for Autism #GameOn Autism Golf program… Els for Autism #GameOn Autism Golf program …
Autism Shifts: Parent/Caregiver Social By Autism ShiftsAutism Shifts: Parent/Caregiver Social By Autism Shifts …
Meet Geoff and Connor… “I can’t say enough about Geoff and how much he’s done for the New England chapter of Autism Speaks. He’s without question a rockstar volunteer – especially during Walk season! Not only is Geoff constantly … to our chapter. We would not be nearly as successful without him and his family on our team.”   – Rebekka Farquharson, Autism Speaks Manager of Field Development, New England  Learn about Geoff’s connection to Autism Speaks and why he …
Autism Speaks hosts first scientific conference on cannabis and autism …   Autism Speaks recently hosted the first scientific leadership conference on research into the safety and potential benefits of cannabis-based medicines for autism and its associated medical conditions. The two-day meeting, in New York City, brought together more than 30 leading …
Autism and hair pulling… Today’s “Got Questions?” response is by psychologist Cathryn Lehman, of the Center for Autism and Developmental Disorders, at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The medical center is one of 13 sites in the  Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network . My daughter is 16, on the spectrum and non-verbal. Sometimes she starts pulling her …
Autism Night Out… A workshop for individuals with Autism and their families/caregivers, designed to keep children with Autism safe. Featured safety topics: personal, home, outing, and water. … Autism Night Out …
Family ECHO: Autism … From navigating a diagnosis to learning about new therapies, parents, and caregivers of children with autism need an immense amount of knowledge and support in order to provide the best care to their loved ones. But often, that information can be difficult to access. Family ECHO: Autism is a virtual learning program for families and caregivers raising children with autism. The sessions are designed to …