
Life skills for autism…   For people with autism, learning life skills is essential to increase independence at home, at school and in the community. By introducing these skills early and building block by block, people with autism gain the tools that will allow him or her to increase self esteem and lead to more happiness in all areas of life.  … and personal finance Transportation Leisure/recreation Home living skills Teaching life skills Every person with autism is different, so the life skills that will be taught, and the pace that they are taught, will vary from person to …
Autism and time management… Today’s “Got Questions?” answer is by psychologist Cathryn Lehman, of the Center for Autism and Developmental Disorders, at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The medical center is one of 14 sites in the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network . I’ve been reading about studies suggesting that people who have autism have trouble …
Autism Speaks hosts international autism advocacy conference … On April 27-28, 2021, Autism Speaks hosted autism advocates and stakeholders from 46 countries to discuss their efforts to promote greater autism awareness, acceptance …
Autism Speaks endorses sleep guidelines for children with autism … NEW YORK – Sleep problems are one of the most common reported medical conditions in children and teens with autism, affecting more than half the population. To give health providers clear advice on the best practices verified by … research, the American Academy of Neurology on Thursday published guidelines for treating sleep problems for children with autism . Endorsed by Autism Speaks as well as the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the Child Neurology Society, and the …
Autism Speaks recognizes Nebraska legislators as autism champions… On September 16, 2021, autism advocates joined us in recognizing the leadership of Speaker Mike Hilgers, Senator Lynne Walz and Nebraska Department of Education Commissioner Matt Blomstedt, in helping to pass milestone legislation for students with autism and others who utilize individualized education plans (IEPs) and transition plans. LB 527 became a new law …
Autism and Eye Contact… Amanda Bennett, behavior analyst Megan Carolan Tomkinson and psychologist Judith Miller. Dr. Bennett is the director of the Autism Speaks Autism Care Network site at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where Mrs. Tomkinson and Dr. Miller also practice. Editor’s …
Autism and Bipolar disorder… MD, and psychologist Andrea Witwer, PhD, program directors at Ohio State University’s Nisonger Center, which is part of Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network . What is Bipolar disorder? For those of you not familiar with bipolar disorder, it’s … in autism spectrum disorders and co-occurring psychiatric disorders. Resources Medical conditions associated with autism Autism and Health: A Special Report by Autism Speaks In my own words: Finding my true self in honesty One woman's …
Disneyland autism guide… overwhelming to navigate the complexity of Disney parks for anyone, let alone while managing the needs of a person with autism or a related condition. But “The Happiest Place on Earth” has made great strides to live up to its reputation. By … Return Time scheduling, assistive technology and compassionate cast members, Disneyland can be a great place for kids with autism. Here’s how to make the most of it.  Planning ahead for a trip to Disneyland    The best place to start is Disney’s …
Autism and ADNP syndrome… Editor’s note: Thousands of families affected by autism have generously given their time and DNA to help unlock the future of autism research through MSSNG, Autism Speaks’ whole genome sequencing program. Autism Speaks is preparing to share the …
Suicide risk in autism… about suicide rates rising for certain age groups of kids. What should I know about suicide risks for my teenager with autism? Study shows higher than average autism suicide rate Suicide rates are a national concern, and it is important to know that individuals on the autism spectrum are among those at risk for suicide. Research in this area is still emerging, but studies show that …