
Medical conditions associated with autism… adults with autism than it is in the general population. However, it can be difficult to distinguish OCD symptoms from the repetitive behaviors and restricted interests that are a hallmark of autism. If you suspect that you or your child has developed OCD in …
Employing adults with autism… span for people with autism and their families. Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates 1 in 68 …
Toddler on Autism Spectrum Jumps All Night… in the middle of the night – also particularly common among children on the spectrum. Your son’s crib jumping – a classic repetitive behavior – adds yet another dimension to your safety considerations. After all, the purpose of a crib is to keep … repeat this each time he gets out of the bed or begins jumping in the crib. With consistency, this can reduce the unwanted behaviors over time. But I want to emphasize again: If his bouncing is filling a need for repetitive movement and/or sensory …
Autism Speaks urges Department of Defense to expand, not restrict, services for military children with autism … would make it harder for children with autism to access needed care. These changes would make applied behavior analysis (ABA), an evidence-based treatment that helps reduce challenges with social communication and repetitive behaviors, less available in school and community settings.   The changes would also impose new burdens on families and …
Autism and politics: Coping with political stresses… skills that parents teach their children. Sadly, throughout this political season, parents are struggling to explain adult behaviors modeled on television by leaders. This can be especially problematic for children who interpret words very … language abilities, observe their nonverbal behavior. By watching for changes in sleep, frustration tolerance, stimming, repetitive behaviors and other clues, you will be able to determine the influence on your child of the TV programming, …
Small study finds B12 injections ease autism symptoms in some children… produced an overall improvement in autism symptoms in some children who have the disorder. The researchers found that the behavior improvement occurred primarily in a subgroup of children who showed particular blood chemistry changes after the … of autism symptoms. But this impression of overall improvement did not translate into measurable improvements in specific behaviors such as sociability, communication, repetitive behaviors or other core symptoms of autism. Study protocol A total of 50 children, ages 3 to 7 completed the …
Ready, Willing and Able to Work: How Small Businesses Empower People with Autism… son is on the autism spectrum. “We leverage the talents of people with autism – attention to detail, focus through repetitive tasks, and dedication to quality – to provide our clients with essential services,” said Mr. Friedman, whose … Autism, or autism spectrum disorder, refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. We now know that there is not one autism but many subtypes, and each person …
Sensory Issues… important tasks. Many autistic people use stimming as a form of sensory seeking to keep their sensory systems in balance. Repetitive movements, sounds, or fidgeting can help people with autism stay calm, relieve stress or block out uncomfortable … speech, decision making and information processing. What do sensory issues look like? Many people with autism show certain behaviors when they are experiencing a sensory issue: Increased movement, such as jumping, spinning or crashing into things …
GI Distress and Autism: Q&A with Pediatric Gastroenterologist Tim Buie… of how common gastrointestinal disorders are among those with autism and how these problems can contribute to some of the behaviors we commonly associate with autism. Autism Speaks: In your opinion, how big a role does GI distress play in … are core features of autism that can be exacerbated – or perhaps even caused – by gastrointestinal problems. These include repetitive behaviors. They’re the “I’m inside my body and checking out from the rest of the world” behaviors. This report, …
Autism and puberty aggression… related to their menstruation. They may become more aggressive, obsessive and destructive. They may experience increased repetitive behaviors. Consult with your daughter’s doctor Some girls who have both autism and epilepsy experience an uptick in seizure …