
Autism and hair pulling… and should not take the place of personal consultation, as appropriate, with a qualified healthcare professional and/or behavioral therapist. Hello, and thank you for your question. I appreciate that challenging behaviors such as hair pulling … In our clinic, we often determine what’s behind a self-harming or other problem behavior with a functional behavior analysis. This is a systematic way to assess what happens immediately before a behavior occurs (the antecedent) and what … – one that doesn’t hurt anyone – to signal her needs and wants. Here are three strategies, based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis, that may help: Catch your daughter being “good.” (e.g. not pulling her hair out) Reinforce her …
Autism Speaks urges Department of Defense to expand, not restrict, services for military children with autism … announced changes that would make it harder for children with autism to access needed care. These changes would make applied behavior analysis (ABA), an evidence-based treatment that helps reduce challenges with social communication and repetitive behaviors, …
2022 Advocacy Highlights… in funding for the Autism Research Program at the Department of Defense Texas became the 50th state to require coverage of applied behavior analysis therapy for autistic children enrolled in Medicaid, while states across the country took steps to improve the …
Washington State-Regulated Insurance Coverage… Washington requires meaningful coverage for autism, including applied behavior analysis (ABA), under state regulated plans. Washington’s autism insurance bill, SB 5059 , was enacted in 201 4. To which …
Alabama Governor signs autism insurance reform bill… House Bill 284 , which requires certain health benefit plans to cover medically necessary treatment for autism, including applied behavior analysis (ABA).  Governor Ivey signed HB 284 on Friday, May 19, 2017, making Alabama the 46th state to require meaningful …
Idaho becomes the 47th state to require autism insurance coverage!… all individual, small group and large group insurance plans to cover evidence-based treatment for autism, including Applied Behavior Analysis. In Cameron’s bulletin to insurers, he explains that “due to currently inconsistent coverage of treatments for …
Autism Speaks applauds Department of Veterans Affairs for including vital autism care in insurance coverage for families of disabled veterans … of the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs ( CHAMPVA ) that, as of December 1, applied behavior analysis (ABA), an evidence-based treatment for autism spectrum disorder, will be allowed as a covered health benefit.   “We …
New York State-Regulated Insurance Coverage… YES Fully Insured Large Group Plans - YES Fully Insured Small Group Plans - YES What services are covered by law? Diagnosis Behavioral health treatment (Applied Behavior Analysis) Psychiatric Care Psychological Care Therapeutic care (i.e. services provided by licensed or certified speech …
New Mexico passes landmark legislation for autism insurance coverage… New Mexico has set a new precedent by creating a statutory requirement for Medicaid coverage of autism therapies, including applied behavior analysis (ABA), regardless of an individual ’ s age. New Mexico has had a Medicaid children’s ABA benefit since 2014. HB 322 …
Pennsylvania removes insurance barriers for autism spectrum disorder… parity. Most recently, we submitted a public comment to the Pennsylvania Insurance Department requesting that they add applied behavior analysis (ABA), one of the most common and effective behavioral health treatments available for autism, to the …