
Store clerk sees autism-related meltdown… Today’s “Got Questions?” answer is by education specialist Lucia Murillo, Autism Speaks assistant director of education research (left), and social worker Lindsay Naeder, director of the Autism Speaks Autism Response Team . I work in a department store during the holidays. Last year, I witnessed a dramatic …
Microsoft's Commitment to "Impact Sourcing"…   In May 2017, Autism Speaks was proud to partner with Microsoft at its annual Microsoft Supplier Program (MSP) Summit in Redmond, Washington. Beyond Microsoft’s exciting direct Autism Hiring Program , the summit presented an opportunity to promote the employment of people with autism and other …
Will eating disorder program help with autism-related food aversions?… This week’s “Food for Thought” answer is from developmental pediatrician Paul Wang, Autism Speaks’ senior vice president for medical research, and psychologists Eric Butter and Robert Dempster, who both work in the  Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network  (ATN), at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, in Columbus, Ohio. My son is 14.5 years …
Tips for Supporting Social Interaction in Youth Groups… People with autism often have the desire to interact with others, but they may not have the skills to engage appropriately or may be … social interaction in youth groups: Extend a feeling of welcome and model for other participants that the youth with autism is a valued part of the group. Get to know the youth with autism and meet him where he currently is in terms of social skills and interests. Be aware that free play or other …
Mr. Rogers & Video Modeling… answer comes from Mark Strauss, PhD, principal investigator at the University of Pittsburgh Center of Excellence in Autism Research (left); and Alan Friedman, director of development for The Fred Rogers Company. Was Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood made for children with autism? Is there any evidence that his shows help our kids? Fred Rogers cared deeply about the social and emotional …
How better understanding can support better outcomes in police interactions with autistics… People with autism who have communication differences or behavior challenges often use supports or learn skills that allow them to go to … independently. But when interacting with police, a lack of supports and understanding of unique challenges associated with autism can leave some autistic people unable to fully participate in these interactions.  Some law enforcement data have …
Don't hate me for loving 'Atypical'… This blog post was written by Kathy Hooven whose son Ryan has autism. You can read more about Kathy and her family on her blog,  The AWEnesty of Autism.   So I watched all 8 episodes of the new Netflix series, “Atypical” in a day. And yes, I'm upset they didn't include …
How to stop teen’s progression from chubby to obese… for Medical Sciences and Arkansas Children's Hospital. The university and medical center are among the 14 sites in the  Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN) . Dr. Pulliam co-authored the Autism Speaks ATN/AIR-P  Exploring Feeding Behavior in Autism: …
How my brother inspired my passion for helping others… This guest blog post is by Juliana Fetherman. She has a brother on the autism spectrum and is an autism advocate.    Advocating for those who cannot advocate for themselves is my passion. My brother, who is 19 years old, …
Baseball brought my children together… update to a 2019 blog by the Strobe Family . Brothers Dylan and Blake still have a strong tie to baseball. And still spread autism awareness at baseball games.    Our youngest son Dylan, was approximately 2 1/2 years old, he was officially diagnosed with autism. Our oldest son Blake was 4 years old when Dylan was born. He immediately took on the role of best friend/big …