
Teaching nonverbal autistic children to talk… Still among our most popular advice posts, the following article was co-authored by Autism Speaks's first chief science officer, Geri Dawson, who is now director of the Duke University Center for Autism and Brain Development; and clinical psychologist Lauren Elder. Researchers published the hopeful findings that, even …
'Good' Bacteria Ease Autism-like Behaviors in Mouse Model… In mice, infection or inflammation during pregnancy can produce offspring with autism-like behaviors such as social avoidance, anxiety and repetitive behaviors . In a new study, researchers reduced these … feeding the mice bacteria found in a healthy human gut. The research adds to growing evidence of a gut-brain connection in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It appears today in the journal  Cell . "There's likely a lot going on outside the brain in …
Health Needs for Young Adults… care physicians. It can be challenging to find a primary care physician who accepts insurance or Medicaid of adults with autism and more importantly, who understands young adults on the spectrum. It is important that the primary care physician treats your child as an individual like every other patient, not just an individual with autism. Remember to advise the primary care physician to make sure that he or she doesn’t see every health or behavior …
'She is on my mind and in my heart:' A brother's story… This blog post was written by Mike Anaclerio, a high school teacher who raises autism awareness in memory of his sister, Mary. Anaclerio walks for the Chicago Walk Now for Autism Speaks chapter.    "Ahhhhhhhhhh, brother, please!!!!!" This was my sister Mary’s response any time I asked her a …
My child is nonverbal. Anything new that might help him communicate better?… The answer below comes from speech-language pathologists Cynthia Green, Kameron Beaulieu, and Jill Dolata of the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN). Their ATN work at the Oregon Health & Science University’s Child Development and …
Information for Classmates… Whether you already know a student with autism or are just getting to know one, you’ll probably find this information helpful. If you make the effort to include, … figures of speech (He may truthfully tell you, “the sky” if you ask “What’s up?”)   Give feedback - If your friend with autism is doing something inappropriate, it’s OK to tell him nicely. Just be sure to also tell him what the right thing to …
What is Discrete Trial Training?…   This answer comes from Lauren Elder, PhD, Autism Speaks assistant director of dissemination science. What is Discrete Trial Training? Is it the same approach as ABA? … Training (DTT) and  Applied Behavioral Analysis  (ABA). Often times when people talk about ABA programs for children with autism, they are actually referring to DTT. DTT is one of several types of teaching strategies that fall under the umbrella …
Helping Families Safely Manage Behavioral Medicines … of clinical services at the University of Rochester’s Division of Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, one of 17 Autism Speaks  Autism Treatment Network  (AS-ATN) centers. Lynn authored the newly released AS-ATN/AIR-P tool kit  Autism and Medication: …
Cómo manejar la atención clínica durante el distanciamiento social y el cierre de la escuela/programa… que los servicios en el hogar se reducirán significativamente para prácticamente todos los niños y adolescentes con autismo y otras discapacidades, por un período indefinido de tiempo, tal vez incluso durante varios meses. Los proveedores … cerrados para otras emergencias como el clima. Adaptarse a esta nueva rutina puede tomar tiempo para todos. Llame a nuestro Autism Response Team en Español: 1-888-772-9050 o envíe un correo electrónico a … Cómo manejar la …
Parent seeks help for young child’s nighttime wandering… Pulliam, of Arkansas Children’s Hospital and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. I have a young child with autism who wakes up in the night and wanders around the house. I’m afraid he might get outside while I’m asleep. How can I … the rest of us are sleeping? Thank you for your question. We hear similar concerns from many parents of children who have autism. Research suggests that up to 80 percent of children with autism suffer from disordered sleep. Frequent nighttime …