
Does Our Teen Have Autism-related Catatonia?… “Our teen, who has autism, has been taking a lot longer to do even simple things like getting up from the table or getting into a car.  Could … this be catatonia?  How do we know, and what should we do?” This week’s “Got Questions?” answer is by pediatrician and autism specialist Ricki Robinson. Dr. Robinson is part of the clinical faculty of the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, a …
Holiday air travel tips for autistic people and their families… Holidays are the busiest time of year to travel by plane. Preparing a child, teenager or adult with autism spectrum disorder for plane travel - and new security techniques used at airport security checkpoints - can make a … with advanced information. Offer to email or fax information to let them know you will be traveling with an individual with autism and the challenges the individual may face on travel day. A good place to start is to prepare a one page document …
Children’s Health Insurance Program: Cmte Hearing to Reauthorization… held a hearing on the reauthorization of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Testifying before the committee, autism mom Leanna George shared how CHIP has benefited her son Caleb, who has autism. Autism Speaks also joined hundreds of other children’s health advocates urging Congress for quick bipartisan action …
Research meeting highlights access and intersectional challenges in U.S. and international communities … During the second day of presentations at the International Society for Autism Research annual meeting, oral presentations of work in the U.S. and globally highlighted a continued struggle for access to autism care.  In her presentation on telehealth diagnostic measures, researcher Lily Wagner, Ph.D., from Vanderbilt …
Supporting sensory needs at school… complex learning and behavior. For most of us, effective sensory integration occurs automatically. For many people with autism, the process demands effort and attention with no guarantee of accuracy. Sensory challenges can affect the student’s … a calm and ready to work state. Research is still exploring the impact and factors associated with sensory challenges in autism. Some research, anecdotal observations and personal accounts from people with autism have provided important …
Caring for the Caregiver… Changing the course of the life of your child with autism can be a very rewarding experience. You are making an enormous difference in his or her life. To make it happen, you … work best for you. Getting your child started in treatment can help you feel better. Acknowledging the emotional impact of autism and taking care of yourself during this time can help prepare you for the road ahead. Maintaining open and honest …
Employment program doubles employment for autistic youth… rates in autistic people 18 months after starting the program, according to a new report. Nearly half of 25-year-olds with autism have never held a paying job, and global estimates range as high as 85 percent unemployment or underemployment. … with disabilities to services supporting their transition to adulthood and finding paying jobs. “One of our priorities at Autism Speaks is to increase employment and leadership opportunities for people with autism,” said Arun Karpur, Ph.D., …
I 'hope for happy' in my autistic son's future… This is a post by Kimberlee Rutan McCafferty , author and mother to two sons on the autism spectrum and an Autism Family Partner at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).  When did you know?   It’s a question that I’ve …
Ten tips to prevent autism-related shopping meltdowns … Today’s “Got Questions?” answer is by Lucia Murillo, Autism Speaks’ assistant director of education research. How can I help my child avoid meltdowns at the store? Everything is … challenge. For good reason, outings such as shopping can be particularly challenging for families who have children with autism. The abundance of sights, sounds, crowds and other sensory stimuli can easily trigger challenging behaviors that seem …
Accessing Funding Through State and Federal Programs… This section of the Autism Speaks Special Needs Financial Planning Tool Kit was prepared by Shirley Blaier-Stein, the author of Autism Mom: New Ways of Thinking, an attorney and an autism advocate. Caring for children with autism can be overwhelming. …