
Parents seek help for anxious teen …   This answer comes from Jeffrey Wood, PhD, a psychologist at the University of California, Los Angeles. Three Autism Speaks research grants support Dr. Wood’s work on adapting cognitive behavioral treatments for children and teens with autism. My teen daughter has Asperger’s and extreme social anxiety. It started to get worse at 13, resulting in refusing …
Pool and water safety for lifeguards …   With summer in full swing, water play can be a fun way for children and adults with autism to cool down on a hot day.   But parents, family and friends should also make it a priority to teach water safety to prevent accidents. In a 2011 study, 91 percent of deaths in children with autism who wandered were because of drowning accidents. In addition to our  tips and tools for water safety,  you can search …
Kevin and Avonte's Law reintroduced in Congress… reintroduced Kevin and Avonte's Law ( S.2070 / H.R. 4221 ), proposed legislation that would help safeguard children with autism or other developmental disabilities who may wander away from caregivers. The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled … and Avonte's Law (S.2070) on Thursday, November 16 at 10:00am ET. Kevin and Avonte’s Law is named in honor of two boys with autism who perished after wandering. Nine-year-old Kevin Curtis Wills wandered from home, slipped into Iowa’s Raccoon River …
What is Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)?… This week's "Got Questions?" answer comes from Lauren Elder, PhD, Autism Speaks assistant director of dissemination science. Dr. Elder is a certified ESDM therapist. She recently traveled to … its ESDM training program.  How can I find a qualified ESDM therapist, and how can I, as a parent, get trained? Here at Autism Speaks, we’ve been getting many questions about the  Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) . This early intervention …
Considerations for School Administration… consideration for people with special needs. Here are some things to consider as a school administrator with students with autism in your school: Considerations related to staffing, planning and training: Provide introductory and on-going staff … general education teachers, specials providers, bus drivers, lunch aides, etc. in their understanding and knowledge of autism and their students. The Appendix and sections from this tool kit will be helpful. Support the exchange of information … OT, etc.) sessions and positive behavior support planning and evaluation; they often spend more time with a student with autism, across settings, than any other staff in the school. They can provide valuable knowledge about the student and …
How to Stop my Autistic Child from Pinching… treatment program at the University of Rochester Medical Center. The University of Rochester is among the 13 sites in the  Autism Speaks Autism Care Network. My son is 4 years old and has autism. Several months ago, he started pinching people. It could be …
Legislator Jim Patterson remembered as a legislative champion… on Monday of a sudden heart attack. Representative Patterson was a legislative champion and a dedicated advocate for the autism community. He celebrated one of his greatest legislative achievements last year when his bill requiring certain fully insured health benefit plans to cover life-changing autism therapy was passed and signed into law. Many members of the Autism Speaks community worked closely with the …
WHO Caregiver Skills Training improves parent and child outcomes in urban India… Research published recently in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders shows that the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Caregiver Skills Training (CST) program … stronger caregiver skills and knowledge. The CST program was developed to teach caregivers who are unable to access early autism detection and intervention services strategies to improve care for their autistic child. Rather than requiring …
Community Living… remember that integration into the community is a key component of happiness and independence in the lives of adults with autism. You may want to think early on about introducing your child to members of the community. As your child grows older, … levels. There is truly something for everyone. It may just take a bit more effort to find what your young adult with autism is looking for and what social opportunities will provide him or her with the greatest amount of happiness. Adults …
Talking to your healthcare provider about concerns… If you or the health care provider thinks there might be a delay, ask for a general developmental screening and an autism-specific screening. If either of you still concerned, ask for a referral to a specialist who can do a more in-depth … communication and social skills. A hearing test is usually a part of the screening process, and if hearing loss is found, autism may be ruled out. What is an autism screening? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that all children …