
How Long Should We Try This Behavioral Medication?… Manning. Dr. Manning specializes in developmental and behavioral issues and directs Cincinnati’s Kelly O’ Leary Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders, a member of Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network .  “We’ve started our child on medication for some very challenging autism-related …
Food for Thought: Why Does our Son Cover Everything in Ketchup?… “What is it about autism and food condiments? Our adult son covers pretty much everything he eats in ketchup. Now we’re hearing that this sort … psychologist and board-certified behavior analyst Jennifer Bass. Dr. Bass, who specializes in feeding issues, works in the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Thank you very much for your …
Teaching Your Child Self-Advocacy… is as important as advocating on his behalf. It is never too early to start learning these skills. Some individuals with autism can verbally communicate their goals and desires while others may have difficulties with communication skills. As your family member with autism ages, he will need to learn how to assess problems, speak up and ask for what he needs, know his rights and how to …
Preparing for the Initial IEP Meeting… In the excerpt below from Autism Speaks Guide to   Individualized Education Programs , experts share tips to help you prepare for your child’s initial … is to match your child with available resources, and some background knowledge will help you do that. You can consult the Autism Speaks Resource Guide for helpful sources of information, including: Local autism organizations, attorneys and …
Things to Look For in Your Child's Team… People with autism are often quite complex, so it is helpful to take a broad approach when evaluating concerns, and deciding how to provide appropriate support. In order to meet their various needs, many people with autism, especially those with challenging behaviors, need a team to develop specialized and individualized care.  When …
Helping Families with Feeding Issues… Along with her colleagues, Dr. Bellando co-authored the newly released AS-ATN/AIR-P tool kit  Exploring Feeding Behavior in Autism: A Parent’s Guide . As a psychologist at a developmental center, I see families every day who have children on the autism spectrum.  One of the most difficult challenges for families is something that most parents take for granted- how to …
Child Won't Stop Snorting… therapist Moira Pena, of Toronto’s Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. The hospital is one of 14 centers in the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN). We’re having difficulties with a new stim [sensory stimulating behavior] that our …
Chewing and Swallowing Objects… Our 17-year-old son has a diagnosis of autism and developmental delay. Lately, he’s been chewing on his shirt collars as well as chewing and sometimes swallowing … Moira Pena, of Toronto’s Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. The hospital is one of 14 centers in the  Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network  (ATN). Editor’s note: The following information is not meant to diagnose or treat …
Relationship Development Intervention… This week's "Got Questions?" answer comes from Lauren Elder, PhD, former Autism Speaks assistant director of dissemination science. When my granddaughter was diagnosed with autism at age 5, she ignored other people. After Relationship Development Intervention (RDI), she’s a different person – …
Strategies for Success: Sports and Physical Activities… Many youth with autism are able to participate in sports and are a great asset to their team. The amount of support required to make this happen will vary greatly from person to person. Some people with autism have great skills in learning rules and keeping track of statistics and may make great scorekeepers or coach’s … processing auditory and visual information from several sources at the same time. Here are some ways to support youth with autism in sports and physical activity programs. Be aware of motor, timing, language and attention issues that might affect …