
Inclusion: Ensuring Access for Everyone… The excerpt below comes from Autism Speaks guide for youth organizations. What is Inclusion? “For me, inclusion is about a community where everyone is … confidence. She wants to continue staying in the program since she has developed friendships.” - Sara’s mom The youth with autism : get to participate in programs in their community with their siblings, friends and neighbors learn from their peers …
Ideas for Preventing Challenging Behavior at School… Tool Kit s full of information to help teachers and all members of the school community best support students with autism. Below is an excerpt on challenging behaviors. Ideas for Preventing Challenging Behavior at School Recognize behavior … all students to promote expected behaviors. Develop an individualized Positive Behavior Support Plan for each student with autism. Provide behavior specific feedback and ample praise and reinforcement. Catch your students being good and reward! …
Remember these 3 words if someone stares at you during a meltdown… This guest post is by Kerry Magro , a professional speaker, best-selling author and autism entertainment consultant who is on the autism spectrum.   Have you ever been on the receiving end of a rude stare or comment? I can’t tell you how many families I … a situation like this may occur, especially in a public place. My parents had to deal with this when I was growing up with autism. I liked to scream, cry, punch, kick and wail whenever a situation brought me to a place of overload. When those …
Know Your Rights to Access Assistive Technology… New technologies have created opportunities and higher expectations for full inclusion of individuals with autism into all aspects of society, beginning with the classroom. Access to assistive technology can serve as a pathway to … with Disabilities Education Act  (IDEA) is crucial in securing the appropriate assistive technology for students with autism. If it is determined by your child’s IEP team that assistive technology is required to benefit his or her education, …
What can I do while I wait for an evaluation?… will help you develop a list of questions for the specialist and prepare you to take action if your child is diagnosed with autism or another developmental disability.  Know what to expect. Your child may have to complete one or more cognitive or … your questions get answered. Prepare to get your child’s intervention started.  Even if your child is not diagnosed with autism, the evaluation may reveal developmental delays that would benefit from intervention. The professionals conducting …
Bullying and mainstreaming in the schools… Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Studying the bullying experiences of children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder   Children with disabilities are bullied at higher rates than typically developing children, yet … Public Health and Kennedy Krieger Institute, to conduct a study on the bullying experiences of children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Children with ASDs have been dubbed “perfect victims” for bullying by some researchers, a …
Autistic Child Needs Glasses but Won't Tolerate Anything on Face… Today’s “Got Questions?” answer is by psychologist Stephanie Weber, of the Kelly O’Leary Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. The center and hospital are part of the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN). My daughter needs glasses but doesn't like anything on her face. She won't …
Preparing for a Haircut… Haircuts can be challenging for children with autism. Here are some things to think about before your child’s haircut: Speak with the salon manager about just coming in … Schedule an appointment during a time when the salon is not as crowded so there are less distractions for the child with autism. Speak with the stylist before hand about any particular sensitivities that your child may have. Identify reinforcers …
Preguntan los padres: ¿Qué debemos buscar en una evaluación del autismo?… otra prueba médica sencilla para hacer el diagnóstico. Tampoco existe un comportamiento u otra característica que indique autismo. Más bien, los profesionales experimentados buscan un grupo amplio pero específico de síntomas. Para ello se … evaluación por expertos, así como informes de los padres, profesores u otros cuidadores. Además, los signos y síntomas del autismo existen en todo un espectro. Deben diferenciarse de signos y síntomas similares asociados a otros trastornos del …
Coming to terms with a 'Different Not Less' life… who writes a blog called  From The Bowels of Motherhood  where she writes about raising her three children, one who has autism, and her military family life.   The words "Different Not Less" are touted by the autism community as a widely recognized mantra as to what autistic individuals have to offer to the world.  Children and adults with autism look at the world differently.  Autistic individuals may have different strengths and weaknesses than the general …