
Research finds patterns in restrictive and repetitive behaviors based on individual characteristics… of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry found differences in restrictive and repetitive behaviors (RRBs) in children with autism based on individual characteristics like age, sex, cognitive functioning, language level and socio-communicative … data from a sample size of 17,581 autistic children and adolescents under the age of 18 from the Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research for Knowledge (SPARK) cohort. Parents and caregivers were asked to complete the Repetitive Behavior …
Cinco cosas que hacer mientras se espera una evaluación del autismo… del espectro autista (TEA).  A continuación, le indicamos cómo puede prepararse mientras espera: 1. Conozca más sobre el autismo Lea sobre el autismo. Elabore una lista de preguntas para la visita y prepárese para actuar si a su hijo le diagnostican TEA. Estos son …
How do we teach our autistic child to listen?… Hospital Child Development Center and Ohio State University. The hospital and university are among the 14 sites in the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network. My son is on the autism spectrum and gets frustrated when he can’t control the conversation. He’ll …
We are so overwhelmed with going back to school. What can we do to prepare our family and our loved ones?… teachers about them so they can be used at home and at school. § Resources for many of these supports are available at Autism Speaks COVID-19 Information and Resources page. Use a visual schedule at home to do a few structured activities each … your child’s back-to-school experience and provide some welcome structure in an otherwise chaotic time. In a recent ECHO Autism webinar outlining these strategies, a panel of autism experts responded to some Frequently Asked Questions you might …
Parents with Nonverbal Child Seek Advice on Preparing for Pet’s Death… This week’s “Got Questions?” answer is from clinical psychologist Lauren Elder. Dr. Elder is Autism Speaks former assistant director for dissemination science. “Our 7 year old daughter has autism and is nonverbal. She adores our very old cat. How can we be ready to help her deal with the coming loss?” It’s …
Teaching an Autistic Child to Swallow a Pill … of clinical services at the University of Rochester’s Division of Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, one of 17 Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network   (ATN) sites. My son fights taking pills and liquid medications or supplements, though he likes …
Recursos para el autismoAutism Speaks ha trabajado con organizaciones para traducir muchos de nuestros recursos al español. La lista está a continuación.  Para obtener más información sobre el autismo en español, haga clic clic aquí . Si tiene preguntas o necesita recursos adicionales, comuníquese con nuestro equipo …
Questions to Consider in Developing Your Child’s Draft IEP… are several things to consider to make sure he or she is getting the best possible education. Below is an excerpt from Autism Speaks Guide to  Individualized Education Programs . Classroom and Peers Should my child be in a mainstream or … own? Go on to higher education? Work? Read more about the initial IEP meeting and other steps in the IEP process in the Autism Speaks IEP Guide . … IEP Guide … Questions to Consider in Developing Your Child’s Draft IEP …
Meet Ashley D.… Atlanta native would wait 28 years before gaining clarity around the many mysteries of her daily life. Being diagnosed with autism wasn’t only a relief to Ashley, it meant no longer feeling like she had to hide who she really was out of fear of not … the world, today, Ashley, 34, is much more confident in her own skin. She has made it her mission to spread awareness about autism and hopes that one day people from all walks of life can feel accepted and included.   “I still have many challenges … is something I do very well, and I hope to use my skills to make a difference in the world.” Learn more about Ashley’s autism journey through her own words in this Q&A:   What were your thoughts when you were diagnosed with autism? I knew …
Meet the Varnedoe FamilyAutism Speaks’ commitments to helping people gain early access to support and to improving the transition to adulthood for people with autism hit close to home for Layne and Robert Varnedoe of Homerville, GA. As parents of two adult boys, one of whom is on …