
Meet Milan B.… Video (Responsive)."]}   When their son, Milan, was officially diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at seven years of age, his parents felt a … sit still for longer than a few minutes? And why didn’t Livi seem to be affected by any of these things? With the official autism diagnosis, the family was ready to exhaust every resource to ensure their son would have everything he needed to live …
Home for the holidays: Ways to make sure your autistic child enjoys their break… Holidays can be challenging for children with autism. Time away from school, disruptions in schedule, celebrations and time spent with many people can be overwhelming, says Martha C., a member of our Autism Response Team and mom of an autistic son. Here she shares her tips for helping her son adjust to the change in …
Preparing for Employment… to connect to a peer or mentor at the internship or volunteer site who can lend a hand if needed. For young adults with autism who have more significant challenges, job coaches can help them reach their full potential. A job coach will assist … level is reached for him or her to accomplish career goals Read more about employment and other important topics in the Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit . … Transition Tool Kit … Preparing for Employment …
Meet Michael P.…   Michael credits his sister Alexa, a 25-year-old with autism, not only with inspiring his career path as an autism researcher, but also with teaching him by example how to be persistent, how to see the best in everyone and how to …
6 ways to assist your child's ABA instructor… by Erica Kovacs, Ph.D., assistant professor of clinical psychology in psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center, an Autism Treatment Network (ATN) center. Dr. Kovacs is a co-author of the ATN/AIR-P’s  Applied Behavior Analysis Tool Kit .  … to recommend that you download a free copy of the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Tool Kit . I was part of the team of Autism Treatment Network (ATN) psychologists who developed this information-packed guide. We developed this tool kit based …
The valuable lesson my nonverbal daughter taught her class… This guest blog post is by Miriam Gwynne , a mother of two children on the autism spectrum. Miriam is an established blogger who writes on her own blog as well as for Huffington Post, The Mighty and … more reason than most to worry as she left that day still unable to dress herself and not yet potty trained, diagnosed with autism and selective mutism, and despite having had an extra year at nursery already, she was still one of the smallest … own diagnosis my beautiful blue eyed girl is the twin sister of a boy with even more complex needs. He has tumors, severe autism, challenging behavior, global delay and is non verbal. She has to live with that at the fragile age of five. How …
Six Tips to Help Prevent Wandering and Wandering-Related Tragedies… From AWAARE: Autism Wandering Awareness Alerts Response Education Coalition 1. Secure Your Home Consider contacting a professional … bracelets will include your name, telephone number and other important information. They may also state that your child has autism and is non-verbal if applicable. If your child will not wear a bracelet or necklace, consider a temporary tattoo with …
“My child needs to be admitted to the hospital. How can I help them cope with an inpatient stay? How can I explain their needs to the staff?”… or adjusted based on specific locations and individual needs. As always, for information and resources, please contact the Autism Response Team at 888-AUTISM2 or . This “Got Questions” is answered by Angeles Nunez, a …
Tips that improved my autistic child's behavior… This guest post was written by Chrissy Kelly, a mom of two boys with autism. You can read more about her and her family on her blog, " Life With Greyson + Parker ," and also her Life with … I never thought a kid-less 20-something year old might be able to teach me something about my own children. The presence of autism in my life has grown my mind a thousand times over. So much of parenting children with autism is counter-intuitive. I say and do things I never thought would work, but they do. Here is a small list of techniques …
Meet Alex F. and Jair V.…   While she was waiting for her son’s autism diagnostic appointment, Berlina Felipe did her research. She had a year during that wait, reading about what to … strong as hers. To help bridge the language barrier, their son’s providers at University of California-Irvine’s Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (CAND) offered the Felipes several of the 24 Autism Speaks tool kits that have been …