
My son’s first Summer job… weakness, likes and dislikes. We often see it as no big deal, a rite of passage for teenagers. But many teenagers with autism don’t have this opportunity. It may seem like a small thing, but as a parent of a child with a disability, my family … My son’s first summer job was definitely a milestone for our family to celebrate.  Meet Blake Blake was diagnosed with autism when he was 21 months old. Specialists said he would likely be non-verbal. As a pediatric speech-language pathologist and teacher of the deaf and hard-of-hearing, I worked with children with autism before having Blake. I understood his care needs. As a young child, he had the best therapists, programming and …
Meet Leah Paulette L.… classroom aides. For Florida resident, Delmaris L., whose young daughter, Leah Paulette, was in the process of receiving an autism diagnosis, stay-at-home orders and limited access to crucial services and supports added layers to an already … from ensuring her daughter would have everything she needed to reach her full potential. Here more about Leah Paulette’s autism diagnosis through the words of her mom in this Q&A.   What inspired you to get Leah Paulette screened for autism? We noticed by the time Leah was a year-and-a-half, some milestones were not being achieved. She was still not …
Meet Colleen S.… young children.   Leading up to this day, Colleen’s then three-year-old son Jackson was on a waitlist to be tested for autism spectrum disorder. She and her husband, Seth, noticed signs in his behavior and with his communication skills that … transition. In an unfortunate scheduling twist, Colleen’s final interview at ESPN was the same afternoon as Jackson’s final autism evaluation. Unable reschedule either appointment, she performed her best balancing act and attended both – even if …
Meet Dr. Brittany Hand… occupational therapist, Dr. Brittany Hand’s work with children with a range of developmental conditions, including autism, solidified her interest in working to help serve the needs of people with autism.  Much of her research background has been analyzing large data sets to understand health trends in …
Meet Boston… other kids his age, haircuts, bath time and shirts with scratchy tags… not his favorite. Boston also has Down syndrome and autism.   Boston’s mom, Kelly, says even though her son is dually diagnosed, both diagnoses came somewhat unexpectedly. … Rett Syndrome - which his big sister has - and we were surprised completely with the Trisomy 21 discovery. As far as his autism – he wasn’t diagnosed until just before his fourth birthday at our annual Down Syndrome Clinic appointment in Indianapolis.” Traditional thinking held that autism was rare in people with Down syndrome, but that is far from the case. According to the Down Syndrome Resource …
Meet Cassie G.… I think our listening abilities could stand to improve, too!” As 11-year-old Cassie’s mom Chrissy knows well, people with autism like her daughter find their own unique ways to express themselves and navigate the world. And when people with autism find the strategies that truly work for them, the results can be amazing. Chrissy has seen this for herself—and we're …
Special Needs Trusts… Banker for The Private Bank at Wells Fargo with 17 years of experience in the financial sector. It is an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Special Needs Financial Planning Tool Kit.  One of the cornerstones of special needs planning is the creation … future avoiding a burden on siblings once the primary caregivers are no longer able to take care of the person with autism.   State and federal benefits may help cover the basics – food, shelter, and routine medical care – but not …
My son's future may look different from others, but I know he is happy… This is a guest blog post by Kimberlee Rutan McCafferty, mother to two sons on the autism spectrum and an Autism Family Partner at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).   It was a simple question, asked at a party of …
Meet Owen M.… Owen avoiding eye contact, walking on his toes and flapping his hands. They got an evaluation followed by a diagnosis of autism. Like most parents, Susan and Kevin tried to learn about autism but Susan says, trying to do research in the pre-Internet, pre-Google, pre-Amazon early 90s, was like being in the …
Adapting Your Environment… damage, improve safety, and increase choice and independence.  One of the barriers that we often find for children with autism in toilet training has to do with the condition of the bathroom itself. Often times we find that people with ASD can … to be. – George Braddock, President, Creative Housing Solutions LLC Read more about promoting a safe environment in the Autism Speaks Challenging Behaviors Tool Kit . … Challenging Behaviors Tool Kit … Adapting Your Environment …