
In our own words: what Pride Month means to me … much beauty for those who choose to see it clearly every day and that’s how I try to live.   My advice to the people of the autism and LGBTQ+ community is to be yourself. It’s much easier said than done but looking within to see yourself as your … of myself of who I am as a bisexual, autistic man.   I knew who I was when I was in fifth grade and was diagnosed with autism but didn’t quite understand who I TRULY WAS until I entered middle school. It was then I began to understand myself … Coming out Day during my junior year of high school, I was inspired to come out after reading about LGBTQ+ people with autism and people of different backgrounds and ethnic groups who identify as being LGBTQ+. The more I learned about …
Meet Scarlett D.… An autism diagnosis can be overwhelming. But with early intervention, there are no limits to what can be achieved. Scarlett is living proof of that.   She was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder at 17 months old. This early diagnosis allowed her access to the vital services and resources that …
Meet Jack U.… friends beyond his older sister, Amy, is something Judith wasn’t sure she’d ever experience after he was diagnosed with autism just after his second birthday. At first, she and her husband, Andy, weren’t sure what their son needed moving forward – neither knew much about autism – but after taking a few days to process the life-changing news, the couple moved full steam ahead with an intensive … at Nashoba Learning Group , Jack continues to exceed his parents’ expectations. Although he is severely impacted by autism and faces struggles that typical teenagers often don’t, particularly verbal communication, fine motor schools and …
Meet Noah M.… Video (Responsive)."]}   Five-year-old Noah received his autism diagnosis three years ago. Phil and his wife, Victoria, brought Noah to their pediatrician when he was two, concerned … his lack of eye contact and delays in language. The pediatrician recommended an evaluation after which Noah received his autism diagnosis. After the diagnosis, “my wife took the bull by the horns,” says Phil, researching and scheduling Noah’s …
Meet Leilani M.… sweet ball of positivity and energy,” Leilani, who also goes by the nickname, “Sneak,” is non-verbal and was diagnosed with autism and sensory processing disorder (SPD) at 15 months old. Though communicating with words isn’t her strong suit, that … From the day Leilani was diagnosed, Dekeda has made it her mission to instill in her daughter the belief that her autism diagnosis doesn’t mean placing restrictions on her dreams. This desire to advocate for her daughter has not only led … through her mom’s words in this Q&A:   What thoughts first ran through your head when Leilani was first diagnosed with autism? Immediately, I was relieved because I knew that a diagnosis would allow her to receive the assistance that she …
Five Steps to Becoming an Inclusive Youth Organization… Below is an excerpt from Leading the Way: Autism-Friendly Youth Organizations, a guide to help youth organizations include and support girls and boys with autism in their programs. Examine your organization’s mission statement. Does it encompass your philosophy on inclusion and … seasoned staff to present training that they have researched at meetings with other staff. Have families of children with autism speak at meetings. Learn more about Inclusion in Leading the Way: Autism-Friendly Youth Organizations . … Leading the …
Rising Above Bullying… to bullying because of my social skills deficits, self-care-related challenges, and personality quirks associated with my autism spectrum profile. These traits set me apart from just about everybody else in my grade. Furthermore, the lone recess … Through an Autistic Lens. Sam Farmer wears many hats, among these father, husband, musician, computer consultant and autism spectrum community contributor. A resident of Massachusetts, he writes blogs and articles, records coaching videos …
Holiday safety plan… director of  Kidpower . She has extensive experience in teaching safety skills to people of all ages and all levels of autism. Kidpower was previously awarded a grant from Autism Speaks to increase the access and relevance of  their “People Safety” curriculum for this community.  … Preventing …
This is why we will never stop going out in public… who writes a blog called  From The Bowels of Motherhood  where she writes about raising her three children, one who has autism, and her military family life.   I see posts and articles frequently about public outing nightmares with children with autism.  I relate to almost every single one of them.  I have noticed that most of them aren't about a meltdown at Disney …
15 year-old Jennifer Uses iPad to increase Her Independence… Jennifer is 15-years-old and has moderate autism. Her language is repetitive and she often has difficulty making her needs known. Her mother tries to encourage …