
Research reveals racial and ethnic disparities in benefits eligibility and spending among autistic adults… programs. The study looked at 2012 data from 172,071 adults enrolled in Medicare and/or Medicaid who met the criteria for autism spectrum disorder and submitted complete race-ethnicity data. The data analysis showed significant differences in …
Meet Bridget L.… she often “put her fingers in her ears,” which Phoebe recognized as a sign of sensory sensitivity. An evaluation led to an autism diagnosis when Bridget was 3. Larry and Phoebe moved the family from Nashville to New York to get more extensive services for Bridget—this type of move is common among families affected by autism—and the additional services have paid off. Bridget’s parents say she’s become an avid swimmer, has made tremendous …
Meet Hannah G. … Amy who, with her husband, is coming up with a plan for Hannah’s future. It’s a journey common to many young adults with autism and their families. “I have to make sure that she has activities to do and she's able to function, have the right …
Dear Teachers of The Little Ones with Special Needs… who writes a blog called From The Bowels of Motherhood where she writes about raising her three children, one who has autism, and her military family life . I don't know your background.  I don't know why you chose this profession.  I don't …
Dear Mama of a nonverbal child… Heather is an autism mom, writer and coffee devotee. Her poems have been published in literary journals such as Illuminations, Birmingham …
The difficult decision to place my autistic son in a group home with 24/7 support… puzzles. Many people have been following our story and have been encouraged, inspired, and increased their awareness of the autism experience. What a journey! A Journey to Acceptance. … The difficult decision to place my autistic son in a group …
Help for minimally verbal kids & teens shy to use communication device… At our autism clinic, we often work with minimally verbal children and teens who seem shy to use a assistive communication device … your question and best wishes in your work. Got Questions for our behavioral and medical experts? Send them to . … Help for minimally verbal kids & teens shy to use communication device …
Video: How to cope with disrupted family routines during COVID-19 … pandemic. While these are critical steps to protect the health of Americans, the disruption in routine for children with autism or special needs can be incredibly hard.   Long-term changes to daily schedules can mean a loss of skills they may …
Meet Callan and Brennan M. … and after countless visits with developmental pediatricians, nurse practitioners and specialists, Callan was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Three months later, much to the shock of Colleen and Lauren, Brennan was also diagnosed. Although …
How an iPhone taught my son self-sufficiency… is now employed part-time and also volunteers at two different libraries ten hours a week. Oh, Alex also happens to have autism. I’m probably the only mother on the face of the planet who doesn't say to her kid, “Put away that phone.”  No, …