Virginia passes legislation to expand autism insurance mandate

March 5, 2019

The Virginia legislature has passed legislation to expand the state's autism insurance mandate to include transition-age youth and adults diagnosed with autism!

Virginia passed its original autism insurance mandate in 2011 requiring coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder for children ages two to six under state-regulated, large group plans. In 2015, we passed legislation that raised the age cap to ten years old.

This year, the state legislature has passed legislation to completely eliminate the age cap on Virginia's insurance mandate!

Once Governor Northam signs the legislation, the new law will provide coverage for medically necessary care for individuals with autism of all ages under state-regulated, large group plans starting in January 2020.

We appreciate the support of our legislative champions and the growth in bipartisan support over our ten years of autism insurance work in Virginia, and we are grateful for the collaboration and determination of the Virginia autism community that helped achieve this milestone!

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