Autism and education

The increased knowledge and personal growth that happens during school age years provide the foundation for the rest of a person's life. That's why it is critical that your child is getting the best education possible tailored to his or her unique needs.

Support you need to give your child the best possible education

IEP Guide Cropped Cover
Make sure your child's IEP is as effective as possible.
School Community Tool Kit Cropped Cover
Increase understanding and acceptance at your child's school.
Advocacy Tool Kit Cropped Cover
Learn to advocate for your child every step of the way.

Puzzle Piece Project cropped cover
Teach students about the importance of understanding and acceptance.
Autism Speaks Postsecondary Tool Kit Cover Cropped
Explore programs available after high school.
Combating Bullying
Help stop bullying at your child's school.

Resources for educators

Educators play a critical role in the development of children with autism, as well as in promoting understanding and acceptance in their school community.
Teachers: Strategies for success
Considerations for school administration
Team approach to educating students with autism

Autism Speaks advocacy

Autism Speaks works to ensure meaningful access to quality education services for all students with autism. We advocate on initiatives based not only in the classroom or school building, but also in local communities, and at all ages. 

Learn more about Autism Speaks educational advocacy efforts.

Need personalized support?

Our Autism Response Team (ART) is specially trained to connect people with autism, their families, and caretakers to information, tools, and resources.

Contact ART