'Love on the Spectrum’ gives me hope of finding love

Will you be tuning in?

By Kerry Magro


This guest post is by Kerry Magro, a professional speaker, best-selling author and autism entertainment consultant who is on the autism spectrum.

The docuseries “Love on the Spectrum” which originally aired in Australia in 2019 and just premiered on Netflix, looks at seven singles and two couples, all who are on the autism spectrum navigating the dating world. It’s been refreshing to see a focus on autism & love in our entertainment industry as of late. In 2013, I worked on a film as an autism entertainment consultant called Jane Wants a Boyfriend that focuses on a 25-year-old with autism trying to find love in NYC. Years later, the documentary, which also aired on Netflix, Autism in Love came out which featured 4 autistic adults navigating relationships.

I’ve talked about this show in previous articles already but had some additional thoughts I wanted to throw out there which made me really enjoy the show.

The lack of resources when it comes to autism & dating

One of the topics I feel like falls through the cracks at times in our autism community is dating & love. Often I only see an emphasis on employment, housing, guardianship & post-secondary. This can lead to confusion and anxiety for many on the autism spectrum. For that reason I’m so grateful that a series like this exists to educate. Relationship coaches are highlighted in the series who give helpful advice to the cast on this topic.  Get dating tips for autistic teens and adults.

The connection it will have for those living with autism

Another reason I’m a fan of this show is because of my own personal journey growing up on the autism spectrum and being a date coach.

I’ve been dating since I was 18 and am still looking for that special someone. When I talk with my mentees, this is often the topic most want to discuss. It encouraged me to write a book called Autism and Falling in Love to help them and others in the community. Earlier this year, I had a rough moment breaking up with my girlfriend. I’ve been in 7 relationships in my life and at this point in my life believe I’m ready to find someone I can start a family with. This show reminded me in it’s 5 episodes that, while it may be challenging, that love & relationships are possible.

How authentic the cast are

So many of the cast here, including Michael, a 25-year-old with autism, remind me of myself. Like Michael, I sometimes say the wrong thing but my authenticity helps me be able to connect with others. I could see myself in Chloe as well, as she openly discusses how her nerves can overwhelm her but it doesn’t stop her from pursuing what she wants in this world.

Overall, I’d recommend this show to anyone who is looking for a new binge-worthy show.

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