Describing autism and people on the spectrum

Person-first language and identity-first language

Autism Speaks utilizes both person-first (person with autism) and identity-first language (autistic person). In 2019 we polled our community about their preference and heard that there’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach. For that reason, we always recommend respecting individual preferences and using the language that feels most comfortable to the person on the spectrum.

Derogatory language or slurs

Language matters and the words we use have impact. We strive to use language that respects each member of our community, and the use of derogatory language or slurs is unacceptable and reprehensible. The use of the R-word in any form is unacceptable. Using "autism" or "autistic" as a slur or insult is also never acceptable.

A person's diagnosis should never be mocked. Members of the autism community deserve to be treated with respect and accepted by their communities. A core mission objective of Autism Speaks is to increase understanding and acceptance so that people with autism can reach their full potential.