Judicial System
If a person with autism is involved in a crime, those involved involved in the judicial system must consider that in their communication with them, adjusting accordingly. Specifically, they must ensure the autistic person understands the judicial system, the situation at hand and the court process. Enlisting an autism expert to help guide the process would be beneficial to both the person and the those involved in the judicial matters.
If an attorney, judge, or victims rights advocate is assigned a case involving someone with autism, it is critical that these professionals have fundamental knowledge about autism spectrum disorder for the person on the spectrum to get fair and appropriate treatment. This knowledge must extend beyond the basic facts; it must involve an extensive understanding of the characteristics of autism in the person involved.
Quick facts for the judicial system
- The diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (autism, autism spectrum disorder, pervasive developmental disorders, Asperger Syndrome and related disorders) is ALWAYS relevant and needs to be explained to police and legal personnel.
- If an person has been assessed to have “autistic tendencies,” providers and families need to explain the features of ASD that the person does have. It is safest to do the same type of explaining as you would if the person carried an official diagnosis of ASD.
- A diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder is relevant to police and legal proceedings, no matter how bright, high functioning, and/or verbal the person may be.
- A diagnosis of ASD means that the person does have a developmental disability if criteria for developmental disability are met, even if there is no cognitive impairment.
- If a person with ASD is involved in legal or police matters, others who know the person well need to quickly provide information about how the person thinks, communicates, interacts and understands others. Always provide that information in writing and in person to all involved authorities.
- Each person with ASD is unique. However, they share some diagnostic features. Assess to determine the impact of autism on the person.
- The person will usually be responding to the best of her or his neurological ability at that time and in that place. Responses to others may be driven by internal state, material from various media, sensory input, and previous learning.
- People with ASD can respond and perform neurologically inconsistently depending on emotional state, familiarity with the people and situation and various sensory experiences. For example, they may be very talkative in one setting at a particular time and later be unable to speak well in the same setting.
Doyle, B.T. (2009) And Justice for All: Unless You Have Autism - What the Legal System Needs to Know About People With Autism Spectrum Disorders