More ways to fundraise

Facebook & Instagram Fundraisers

Support our mission by starting a Facebook fundraiser for Autism Speaks and share it with your friends! On Instagram, tap "add fundraiser" when creating a post and select Autism Speaks. All donations are processed by Facebook and 100% of the funds you raise go directly to Autism Speaks!

World Autism Month

April is World Autism Month and one of the best times of the year to help increase understanding and acceptance and raise funds in support of the autism community.

Light It Up Blue

Light It Up Blue

Autism Speaks traditionally kicks off World Autism Month beginning with United Nations-sanctioned World Autism Awareness Day on April 2. On the day, throughout the month and all year long, we invite people to increase understanding and acceptance of people with autism by lighting it up blue and participating in fundraising and awareness events.

There are many ways to show your 'true blue' support any time of year:

Fundraise Your Way (FYW)

FYW makes it easy to create and share your own fundraising idea online. Plan an event during April, World Autism Month. Have fun while making a difference for students and friends with autism. Check out our easy-to use digital fundraising platform and tools.

College or University Involvement

Autism Speaks U

Join a nationwide network of university students dedicated to raising awareness and funds in support of people with autism and their families.

Initiated in 2006 at Penn State, the Autism Speaks U program has grown to over 30 chapters at colleges and universities across the U.S. supporting the Autism Speaks mission.

Join with students, faculty and alumni in student-organized events and Walk teams. Have fun while making a difference!

Autism Speaks U Chapter benefits:
  • Gain professional experience and earn volunteer hours.
  • Acquire community outreach and marketing skills
  • Build your resume and gain service hours
  • Enjoy nationwide student chapter collaboration
  • Network with leaders and experts in the autism field
  • Make a difference in the lives of people with autism

K-12 Involvement

Autism affects 1 in 44 children in the U.S. Teachers and students can play an important role in increasing understanding and acceptance.

Puzzle Piece Tool Kit
School Walk Team
  • Gain school recognition in the larger community. Create a school or classroom Walk team and show your ‘true blue’ class colors at a Walk in your area.

$54 in 24 Fundraising Challenge

A one-day online fundraising challenge to raise $54.

Kindness Break

Want more kindness in the world? Us, too. What better way to create connection and conversation than by sharing a virtual cup of kindness with your community? Take a Kindness Break and spark conversation, connection and community.

Charity Stream

Looking for a way stream and support a great cause. Start a charity stream

Dine Out

Have a restaurant, coffee shop, food truck? Join with restaurants and food vendors nationwide to support people with autism by having a creative food fundraising event.

Partner restaurants have raised more than $10 million to benefit the autism community while increasing customer engagement and building brand loyalty.

Find out how you can participate in Dine Out!

Contact your local Chapter

Want to learn more ways to get involved in your area? Contact your nearest Autism Speaks office.