Autism Speaks taps on next generation of leaders with introduction of Emerging Leaders

The growing group of young autism advocates will drive Autism Speaks’ evolution as an inclusive and innovative organization that spans the diversity of the spectrum

September 12, 2024
Autism Speaks Emerging Leaders

(Washington, D.C.) – Autism Speaks proudly announces the launch of Emerging Leaders, a group of advocates under 40 representing the current values, needs and diversity of the autism spectrum. Championing a fresh perspective within Autism Speaks, Emerging Leaders will help to shape the future of the organization and strengthen its commitment to best support people with autism.

The four founding members of the Emerging Leaders team will play a crucial role in steering the organization towards inclusive, forward-looking practices, deepening the level of engagement and understanding of the autism community, bridging gaps of past perceptions and the current realities of autism and fostering mentorship opportunities for people with autism. With backgrounds that are reflective of the vibrant diversity of the autism community, their leadership will ensure that Autism Speaks uses its platform to amplify the wide range of voices and needs of all autistic individuals, while communicating with younger generations.

“As our knowledge of autism and the needs of the autistic community continues to evolve, we are proud to have tomorrow’s thought leaders and innovators usher Autism Speaks into its next chapter,” said Keith Wargo, President & CEO. “Emerging Leaders will help lay the foundation for a future where true acceptance and understanding of autistic people is the societal standard. Their bold vision and diverse perspectives will be invaluable in navigating the autism landscape and helping us best address the pressing needs across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan.”  

Emerging Leaders at Autism Speaks will advise on a wide range of initiatives and topics, spanning key areas of focus for the organization including services & supports, advocacy and science & research. In their work, they will address topics such as early diagnosis & intervention, transition to adulthood, autism and aging and more. The group will also offer insight into how current events and cultural shifts impact autistic individuals and their families.

Founding Members of Emerging Leaders at Autism Speaks:

  • Amy Gravino: As an autistic individual, Amy’s unique challenges and triumphs have motivated her to improve the lives of others on the spectrum. Having earned a master’s degree in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) from Caldwell University, Gravino has pursued a career as a Relationship Coach at the Center for Adult Autism Services at Rutgers University, and founded her own consulting firm for organizations and individuals with autism. Gravino is a sought-after public speaker, a co-creator of the Adult Autism and Sexuality Kit (AASK), a contributor to the "Handbook of Quality of Life for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder” and a board member of Yes She Can, Inc., and the Golden Door International Film Festival of Jersey City.
  • Kerry Magro: Diagnosed with autism at four and nonverbal until two and a half, Dr. Kerry Magro, Ed.D., transformed his communication challenges into triumphs, becoming an award-winning autistic professional speaker and bestselling author. Magro is CEO & President of KFM Making A Difference, a nonprofit organization that provides college scholarships for autistic students and grants for businesses that employ people with disabilities and the host of the popular Facebook page, Kerry's Autism Journey.
  • Spencer Savitz: Spencer’s connection with his younger brother, who is on the autism spectrum, has fueled his lifelong commitment to autism advocacy, having now led the establishment of Autism Speaks Emerging Leaders. His dedication to raising awareness and fostering acceptance for people with autism is further reflected in his founding of an Autism Speaks U chapter while an undergraduate at Stanford University, organizing a team for the Autism Speaks Chicago Walk and later his own sensory-friendly community walk event, raising over $2.2 million. Savitz has worked for American Securities, AEA Investors, and Solomon Partners and is currently an MBA Candidate at Wharton.
  • Amy Ursitti: Inspired by her brother who was diagnosed with autism at age two, Amy is committed to making a meaningful impact on the autism community. When she studied neuroscience as undergraduate at Emory University (Class of 2022), she focused her research on pain and sensory sensitivity in adolescents with autism. Ursitti has used her background conducting research into the unique needs of people with autism to co-found the Profound Autism Alliance, where she currently serves as head the Sibling Action Network in addition to serving as secretary. Recently, she began her medical education at Weill Cornell Medical College to pursue a career dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals with profound autism.

Passionate advocates who are interested in supporting the autism community, as well as educating peers on autism and Autism Speaks’ role, are encouraged to consider joining Emerging Leaders at Autism Speaks. Interested in becoming an Emerging Leader? Fill out this interest form and visit to learn more.