Meet Natalie B., 39 … is even harder. Although this is not an easy topic for me, I want to share more about my experiences so other people in the autism community can see that we are all human and all have strengths and challenges. Hear more about Natalie’s story in … and direct communication is very important. What would you like non-autistic people to know about dating someone with autism? Someone with autism may need more space and experience anxiety more easily than someone without autism. Someone with autism may also …
Diagnóstico en personas adultas… Diagnóstico de autismo en personas adultas A la mayoría de las personas se les diagnostica autismo en la infancia. Sin embargo, a medida que se conoce mejor el autismo, cada vez más personas adultas reciben un …
Orange County Walk… Autism Speaks Walk is powered by the love of people with autism and the parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, relatives and providers who support them. … Orange County Walk …
Los Angeles Walk… Autism Speaks Walk is powered by the love of people with autism and the parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, relatives and providers who support them. … Los Angeles Walk …
Broward Field Day for All… Autism Speaks is powered by the love of people with autism and the parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, relatives and providers who support them. … Broward Field Day for …
Sacramento Field Day for All… Autism Speaks is powered by the love of people with autism and the parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, relatives and providers who support them. … Sacramento Field Day …
Connecticut Field Day for All… Autism Speaks is powered by the love of people with autism and the parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, relatives and providers who support them. … Connecticut Field Day …
Austin Field Day for All… Autism Speaks is powered by the love of people with autism and the parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, relatives and providers who support them. … Austin Field Day for All …
Autism Speaks launches Autism by the Numbers… NEW YORK (April 24, 2023) – This World Autism Month, Autism Speaks is bringing together data sources to address gaps in nationwide autism data with the launch of Autism by the …
Lehigh Valley Field Day for All… Autism Speaks is powered by the love of people with autism and the parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, relatives and providers who support them. … Lehigh Valley Field Day …