
Finding Your Community… Team (ART) receives are for information about autism and community services. Common requests are for connections to peer groups, recreation, and parent support groups, among others. Finding community matters. It creates a sense of purpose, provides a means to build social …
Why I advocate for Direct Support Professionals… by Kit Peterson, a grandmother of a young man on the autism spectrum. She is an advocate for fair pay for the direct support professionals who have become family to people like her grandson. Despite how difficult it was to accept our … are impacted: it begins right in Albany, but can reach far beyond New York State. We must raise our voices on behalf of a group who often cannot speak for themselves; they are our grandchildren. They need direct support professionals who can …
Expert Q&A: Supporting siblings of autistic children with aggressive behaviors … for the other child and have long term effects if unaddressed.  It's important for parents and caregivers to know how to support their children through these challenges by acknowledging their feelings, keeping lines of communication open and teaching healthy coping strategies. Support groups can be a valuable tool, giving both siblings and parents a safe space to share their experiences and learn new …
Celebrating inclusion and diverse families… community, this can look like a two-mom family of a newly diagnosed two-year-old finally being welcomed by a local autism support group, or a new college student worried about not being accepted by peers for being autistic and LGBTQ+ finding their stride …
Meet Kim M. … seventeen months old, she felt alone, overwhelmed, and terrified.  When the autism diagnosis came, she gave her son all the support she could to give him the best chance at an independent life.  By the age of 6, Kim says, “his father and I knew … his own. Despite all his progress, he would need 24/7 supervision until the day he died.”   She wanted to create a loving, supportive, safe forever home for her boy. “It has become the driving force of my life,” she says.   Throughout the years within this community, she has made many friends with parents who also have profoundly autistic kids. Within this group, the idea for HomeLife21 was born.   The friends' group came up with the idea to create their version of a group home …
Meet Greg and Julie Y.… Yawitz is one of the lucky ones, able to turn her passion for crafting into a career thanks to her parents’ unwavering support.   Each morning she hops in the car with her mom, Julie, a former adolescent therapist and special events … coordinator, to head over to their newly opened AR Workshop , a do-it-yourself craft studio that offers individual and group classes to create the latest on-trend designs on customizable decor accessories. Working alongside her mom also … with countless families through the years through the Autism Speaks Walk events, and they continue to fundraise and walk in support of “Kaitlyn’s Crew.” “The best part of being on the board is directly helping the people who need it the most. If …
My son with autism is overcoming his challenges, finding his strengths… Sandy Petrovic is a registered nurse, an author, a public speaker, an instructional advisor/tutor in a college academic support center, and the mother of a son on the spectrum. Click here for more about us and the book we co-authored from each … even consciously considered; the social rejection David experienced when he wanted nothing more than to be part of the teen group; the years that he was bullied and lonely; the panic attacks and near-depression that he endured as a result of … relish these challenges and are confident that David will master them in his own time and in his own way, with the help and support of family and mentors—much as he has handled every other hurdle in the past—and just like every other young adult …
Meet Chase T.… information about autism was difficult, but Helen and Alan made it their job to advocate for their son and to get him the support he needed. They quickly enrolled Chase in his pre-school’s autism-centric special education program, where he would … to participate in enjoyable activities like therapeutic horseback riding, gymnastics and art class. With a team of supporters like his family, teachers and behavioral therapists, Chase has come a long way since being diagnosed as a … has your autism helped you excel? I have faced struggles like talking to other people in conversations, being part of a group and focusing on work. My autism helped me excel by making me very imaginative and creative. Why is it important to …
Meet Tyler H. … does he live on campus in a dorm suite with two other students, he’s thriving in all of his classes thanks to the extra support he receives as a member of the SUCCEED Program, a post-secondary program for students with intellectual and … Tyler’s parents credit their son’s amazing strides into adulthood to crucial early intervention services, a caring and supportive group of family members and kindhearted friends who always stood by his side and his strong will to make the most of his …
Spanish resources help bilingual families in the autism community overcome language barriers … appointment, Berlina Felipe did her research. She had a year during that wait, reading about what to expect and how to plan supports for her son, Alex. “When he did get diagnosed at age 4, even though I was already prepared, it was still hard,” … Both of Jair’s grandmothers, who took care of him when he was young, attended the Spanish classes as well to learn how to support him. “Years later, my mom told us she is so glad that we got all the early intervention,” Gaby said. “And that we … their classes and resources in Spanish. Based on participant feedback, they also sometimes separate dads and moms into two groups to encourage each group to talk more openly. Alex’s family made sure to learn from his providers and school contacts …