
Autism Speaks Names 2017 Weatherstone Predoctoral Fellows… career scientists pursuing autism research. Lady Weatherstone and daughter Cheryl Weatherstone-Vance continue to actively support this fellowship program on a personal level.  The 2017 class brings the number of Autism Speaks Weatherstone … and daily living among adolescents affected by autism. Her goal is to guide the development of more-effective programs for supporting a successful transition to adulthood. Read more about Maya Reiter's research project here . Evan Geller Under the … understanding and treatment of anxiety, depression and other mental health problems that commonly occur in this vulnerable group. Read more about Jessica Greenlee's research project here . Elyza Kelly Under the mentorship of Peter Tsai at …
CDC estimate on autism prevalence increases by nearly 10 percent, to 1 in 54 children in the U.S. … a gap remains in prevalence among Hispanic children, indicating a need to expand screening and intervention among this group. Further, black and Hispanic children identified with autism received evaluations at older ages than similar white … guidance of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC), and to advance policies that better provide services and supports for early intervention, education, transition to adulthood, employment and community living.   The CDC report was … of people with autism. To join the conversation, find @autismspeaks on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. For personalized support and questions, contact the Autism Response Team at 1-888-AUTISM2, en Español at 1-888-772-9050 or by email at  …
Bullying and Mainstreaming in the Schools… these striking results may be that children with ASDs mainstreamed in schools are not being fully integrated into the peer group and remain isolated even in a classroom full of other children.  It would be a mistake to undermine efforts to … setting. Rather, parents and educators need to ensure that children who are placed in inclusive classrooms have sufficient support to thrive and are protected from bullying. A child’s Individualized Education Program is a natural place to set …
Supplements for kids with autism may lead to nutrient imbalances… and vitamin D. The study appears this week in  the  Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics .  The research was supported through the ATN’s role as the federally funded Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (AIR-P). … and were taking supplements were still not getting enough calcium. Around a third were not getting enough vitamin D. As a group, the children on a gluten-free/casein-free diet got more magnesium and vitamin E than the other children did. This may … of bone fractures seen in children with autism. “Many children and families affected by autism can greatly benefit from the support of nutritionists and feeding specialists to ensure both immediate and long-term health,” Dr. Wang concludes. The 14 …
Small study finds B12 injections ease autism symptoms in some children… in some children who have the disorder. The researchers found that the behavior improvement occurred primarily in a subgroup of children who showed particular blood chemistry changes after the methyl B12 injections . In these children, the … time. Some earlier research has suggested that the process is impaired in some people with autism . The new study, supported by a grant from Autism Speaks , appears online in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology . It is … metabolic abnormality – impaired methylation capacity – holds the potential to improve [autism] symptoms.” They call for support of a larger controlled trial to check and clarify their results. For related news and blog posts, also see: Grandma …
Pool and water safety for lifeguards … way of communicating, that can help keep them calm them in an unsafe situation or if they have wandered away from their group. This  first-responder tool kit  has communication techniques in addition to a lot of other useful information for … the pool or have other communication differences, so they may not hear the whistle.   Swimming facility owners can support autistic swimmers as well by communicating safety rules in different ways to ensure understanding, … are visual learners understand the rules.   Teaching their lifeguarding and other staff about supporting an autism-friendly swimming experience can help make sure their pool is a safe and comfortable environment for …
Meet Helen P.… expressions often left her feeling like an outsider. But when her family moved to North Haven, Connecticut, she met a group of friends who encouraged her to embrace the unique traits that make her who she is. It was at that point when … was right! I hope one day my work can inspire others to chase their dreams too. How important has it been to have a strong support system of family and friends in your life? My family is very supportive of my dreams of becoming a wildlife photographer for National Geographic and whatever else I want to pursue. …
Meet Miles W.… showing signs of delays, my initial thoughts were of worry and fear. At the time, I wasn’t sure what I should be doing to support him, but I prayed a lot and asked the Lord to order my steps. I sought out speech and group speech therapies, as well as occupational therapy in school. Outside of school, I enrolled Miles in Tae Kwon Do, … be a greater focus on transition services for teens and young adults who have aged out of educational programs or community supports. Organizations like Autism Speaks need to continue to build relationships with companies to provide employment …
Meet Bin F.… to educate others about autism and inform policymakers. He has particularly made an impact in representing, leading and supporting Asian communities. In this Q&A, Bin shares what Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month means to … family business, because my son Vincent is on the spectrum. Vincent is always our top priority. All of us come together to support him. I started to share our stories about 20 years ago after we knew Vincent has autism. First, it was just a note … advice? I remember the words from the movie “The field of dreams”: if you build it, he will come. When I started a parents’ group, started book clubs, started with social media stories, started with website, started with NPO, I always remember this …
One family’s story of navigating their son’s Down syndrome/autism dual diagnosis … also made Jake eligible for additional services, such as the state autism waiver, which provides him with community supports. The diagnosis also helped family members and school- and community-based providers to better understand the reason … It was also through the organization that I learned about and subsequently joined the Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group (DSMIG) DS-ASD committee, which provides expertise to healthcare professionals who work with individuals with Down …