
Autism Friendly Inclusion: Leading the Way New England… Join us to discuss Autism Friendly Inclusion, how it benefits all people, and how people with autism, regardless of their abilities, can participate in a full range of community activities. Hear from youth …
Navigating A New Autism Diagnosis: A Two Part Series… a virtual two-part series designed for individuals, families, and others seeking information on how to best navigate a new autism diagnosis. You will hear from families, self-advocates, topic experts, and members of the autism community who will share their personal experiences and expertise. Objectives: Participants will benefit from expert …
2019 Annual Autism Transition Forum - New England… Registration for this event is now closed. Registration & Breakfast 8:30am Forum 9:00am - 1:30pm *Snow date February 9, 2019 Autism Speaks and ASRC are teaming up to present local and National experts sharing their best practices for transitioning individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders into the adult world. … 2019 Annual Autism Transition Forum - New England …
Autism Speaks Elects Brian L. Harper as Chairman of the Board… NEW YORK – Autism Speaks, an organization that is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of people with autism and their families, announces the election of board member Brian L. Harper as chairman of the board of directors, …
Newly diagnosed adult with autism seeks therapy advice… Farley of the Waisman Center for developmental disabilities at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Dr. Farley received an Autism Speaks research grant to study the factors that help or hinder the development and success of adults with autism. I’m a newly diagnosed 47-year-old with autism. What kind of treatments can help me? This is both a great question …
Why I continue to applaud ‘The Good Doctor’ as an autism advocate… This guest post is by Kerry Magro, a professional speaker , best-selling author and autism entertainment consultant who is on the autism spectrum. A version of this blog appeared on . I continue to applaud The Good Doctor for not only …
10 things to know about dating someone with autism… a 28-year-old adult, I embrace affection. Here are some things you need to know when it comes to dating someone with autism: Just because we may want to be by ourselves at times, doesn't mean we don't care about you. Some of us want to … sometimes go over our heads and when it does, know that we truly want to understand. We can date people who aren’t on the autism spectrum. Help us understand what you are comfortable with when it comes to being intimate.  Often a misconception is … as people on the spectrum tend to be some of the most authentic people you will ever meet. If you’re shocked that we have autism, don’t be.  Some people on the spectrum tend to fall on the line of having an ‘invisible disability.’ That means that …
How I learned to accept my autism and love myself… This guest blog post is by Ryan Lee . He was diagnosed with autism when he was 3 years old . I am so blessed to have made it another year. Also this year really meant something to me. You know why? Because I fully learned to accept myself. For a long time I was ashamed of the fact that I have autism. A few months ago I came across this book called "Population One: Autism, Adversity and the Will to Succeed" (by …
Why I wish more people understood that autism is a spectrum… Kerry Magro is an award-winning international motivational speaker and best-selling author who’s on the autism spectrum. A version of his blog originally appeared on . One of the hardest things to deal with as an individual with autism for me is how some people can’t believe you’re on the spectrum. Before I continue…. I’ll admit it; I today have an …
How wearable technology could benefit individuals with autism…   Autism Speaks, the world’s leading autism science and advocacy organization, hosted more than 25 first spouses and dignitaries from around the world for the  …