
My review of ‘Everything’s Gonna Be Okay’ as an adult with autism… This guest post is by Kerry Magro , a professional speaker, best-selling author and autism entertainment consultant who is on the autism spectrum. … Video (Responsive)."]}   While shows such as "The Good Doctor", "Atypical" and "Parenthood" all focus on boys on the autism spectrum, "Everything’s Gonna Be Okay," gives a platform to girls on the autism spectrum This dramedy that just …
8 Iconic buildings in blue for World Autism Awareness Day… year, The White House joined iconic buildings around the globe to Light It Up Blue on April 2, 2018 in honor of World Autism Awareness Day.   The tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, will Light It Up Blue on April 2, 2018 in honor of World Autism Awareness Day! The  Burj Khalifa  began construction in 2004 and was certified as the world’s tallest building in the …
TAO Group announces mission for World Autism Awareness…   In honor of  World Autism Awareness Month , leading restaurant and nightlife company  TAO Group  and TAO Cares’ has announced its third annual … are offering “blue-themed” food and drink items, contributing 10% of the proceeds to support charitable organizations: Autism Speaks,  Eden II Programs , among others. “We are thrilled to once again come together as an organization to provide …
Accepting myself and my autism changed my life … I was diagnosed with autism as a toddler and when I was born the doctors told my mom that I wasn't gonna be able to walk, talk and hear. Growing up with autism was never easy, I always felt different from everybody, and even with family, and my mom would always tell me that autism was something I have but it's not all of me.  Growing up when I went to school I was in the special ed classes and I …
Pediatrics journal dedicates supplement publication to autism studies … of the American Association of Pediatrics published a standalone supplement to its April issue dedicated to findings in autism, based on the work of researchers in the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN), acting as the Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (AIR-P) …
Autism Speaks releases new strategic plan for science…   (December 13, 2017) Autism Speaks today released its Strategic Plan for Science 2018-2020 , with emphasis on the organization’s mission to … “We want see the decade ahead delivering personalized therapies and services that meet the needs of people across the autism spectrum and the life span, says Autism Speaks Chief Science Officer Thomas Frazier. “This includes increasing access …
How the Kiehl's and Autism Speaks partnership came about… This Q&A is with Cheryl Vitali, Kiehl's Worldwide General Manager and Autism Speaks board member   How did this wonderful partnership with Matthew McConaughey come to be? We’d love to know the … Truthfully, it was a two year undertaking to find a major celebrity with global recognition who would openly associate with autism.  Many celebrities who are directly affected by autism are still not willing to be public about it. This was as big …
When Medical Issues Complicate Autism's Eating Challenges… Our daughter (who has autism) had a feeding tube for her first two years of life due to laryngomalacia. Now she fears swallowing. What’s a family … pediatric psychologist Jayne Bellando, and developmental behavioral pediatrician Maya Lopez. All three practice within the  Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network  (AS-ATN) at Arkansas Children’s Hospital and the University of Arkansas for Medical …
Teen with autism exceeds expectations and gets accepted to college … material”, and that I would be doomed to a mediocre college. I thought that my grades just weren’t good enough, and that my autism would just hold me back from reaching success. But in the very end, when I ended up receiving all of those acceptance … or were pushed by others to do so. If this happened, then that small minority would probably be a lot bigger. … Teen with autism exceeds expectations and gets accepted to college …
One woman's journey navigating autism and mental health… This guest post was written by Valerie Paradiz, PhD is the Vice President of Services and Supports at Autism Speaks.   Mental health and autism is an important subject for me. I’m autistic, and I wasn’t diagnosed with autism until later in life, at age 40. …