
Autism Speaks awards $148,000 of funding to autistic researchersAutism Speaks is proud to announce the recipients of our new Predoctoral Fellowship Program for Autistic Scientists. Through this fellowship program, our goal is to increase autistic representation in the field of autism research and empower a greater number of autistic scientists to pursue long-lasting research careers. “With this …
Speech therapy helped me navigate life with autism … me how to communicate better and to navigate life with a communication disorder.   Decades before I was diagnosed with autism, I was diagnosed with a speech issue. My second-grade teacher recognized my speech problem. Fortunately, my parents … arrangements. Speech therapy led to physical therapy for motor skills issues. Looking back at my childhood, the traits of autism were clearly there.   The lessons my early speech therapists taught me have helped me navigate life. They did more …
Study: Kids with Autism Have Fewer Kinds of Gut Bacteria… Researchers using high-tech DNA analysis found that children with autism have fewer kinds of intestinal bacteria than do children without autism. However, this reduced “biodiversity” did not relate to the severity of gastrointestinal problems. The study  appears …
Self-advocates in conversation: Connections between autism and gender presentation… for them, and what they would tell their younger selves if only they knew then what they know now. How do you feel your autism impacted your personal development? I’m just a person living my life, but I will say the autistic perspective colors … to my upbringing. I wasn't ever myself there, but when I look back I can see the patterns I would later learn was my autism. I just broke, I had a shutdown and decided my life had to change. One one day, I realized “I’ve got one life to …
Notes for the school nurse: Common challenges related to autism… Like every other kid, students with autism and other developmental disabilities are likely to visit the nurse’s office with bumps and bruises, headaches and … issues, autistic students are more likely to be regular visitors. Some of the more common co-occuring conditions with autism that may lead to frequent trips to the nurse are: Gastrointestinal (GI) problems Epilepsy Feeding issues … and in turn lead to better outcomes when medical needs arise. But annually reviewing the most common challenges related to autism will also help school nurses implement support strategies that make visits to their office less stressful and most …
FREE Music for Autism Concert -- Stephane Duret and Friends… City home. Join beloved performer Stephane Duret and his incredible friends for another powerful in-person concert! Our autism-friendly concerts are FREE and open to all families with children on the spectrum. Please RSVP … FREE Music for Autism Concert -- Stephane Duret and Friends …
FREE Music for Autism Concert -- Apollo Chamber Players… inspired programming and multicultural new music commissions. Join this exciting ensemble for a morning of music! Our autism-friendly concerts are FREE and open to all families with children on the spectrum. Please RSVP … FREE Music for Autism Concert -- Apollo Chamber Players …
LIVE SCREENING! Autism Spectrum Disorder Short Films… session on Zoom. Each of the four films has been shared on OC87 Recovery Diaries and spotlights individuals living on the autism spectrum: 1. The Awesome and Absolutely True Adventures of the Autisarians of Philadelphia 2. Social Fake: an outtake from OC87: The Obsessive Compulsive, Major Depression, Bipolar, Asperger’s Movie 3. Living with Autism: A Screenwriter's Story 4. Stephanie Sikora’s Recovery with Asperger’s Syndrome and Bipolar Disorder Using Equine …
Join Autism Speaks for a virtual webinar :Adulting on the Spectrum… Join Autism Speaks for our Adulting on the Spectrum Webinar. This webinar will provide you with tools and resources on how best … information as we discuss the services and resources for autistic adults and their caregivers in your area. … Join Autism Speaks for a virtual webinar :Adulting on the Spectrum …
Two studies in Qatar offer snapshot of autism in an Arabic country… NEW YORK (July 7, 2019) -- A team of researchers recently completed the first autism prevalence survey in Qatar, finding a prevalence rate of 1.14 percent, or 1 in 88 children. The rate is similar to … health system, as well as interviews with parents in a group of schools, serves as a potential model for estimating autism in other Gulf-area and Arabic countries. It was published in the May online issue of The Journal of Child Psychology …