
Join Autism Speaks for a virtual webinar: Service Provider Connect - Mid-South… about ways to strengthen relationships, facilitate information and resource sharing to best serve the needs of people with autism and their families. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and share feedback with Autism Speaks staff. … Join Autism Speaks for a virtual webinar: Service Provider Connect - Mid-South …
Happy Holidays: Helping you Child with Autism through Holiday Festivities… Join experts from Autism in Motion Clinics to learn more about how to make the most of the holiday season for your child with autism. We will talk about sensory-friendly strategies to enjoy the holidays. We will also talk about how to recognize when …
Join Autism Speaks for a virtual event: Adulting on the Spectrum - National Capital… Adults with autism disorder are entitled to a variety of support and services. Find out more and learn how to access important … community providers, teachers and education staff members, medical providers, faith-based organizations, people with autism and caregivers. … Join Autism Speaks for a virtual event: Adulting on the Spectrum - National Capital …
Autism Speaks urges Texas to protect the voting rights of autistic individuals… Voting is a fundamental right. Autism Speaks is concerned that recent changes to Texas' election laws will make voting more burdensome for people with … The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 1 in 45 adults – almost 450,000 adults in Texas – have autism, and studies show that disabled individuals encounter voting difficulties at a higher rate than non-disabled people. …
NYC sanitation trucks Light It Up Blue for World Autism Month… The New York City Department of Sanitation will once again go blue in honor of Autism Speaks' Light It Up Blue campaign during the month of April.  The NYC Department of Sanitation began fundraising for Autism Speaks in 2013.  For a third year the DSNY will adorn their entire fleet of nearly 2,500 vehicles with Light It Up …
Autism and how listening to music helped me learn how to talk… This guest post is by Tom Bak, a 17-year-old on the autism spectrum.  My name is Tom and I was born with autism. I was diagnosed when I was 3 years old.  Growing up with autism has had its ups and downs, but one thing that has …
Idaho becomes the 47th state to require autism insurance coverage!… For most locations across the globe, April 2 nd , 2018 was a celebration of World Autism Awareness Day proclamations and “Light It Up Blue” recognitions. However, Idaho constituents had another reason to celebrate as Idaho became the 47 th state to require autism insurance coverage! The celebration in the Idaho Governor’s office brought together families with children who have …
Finding my own unique path after my autism diagnosis… is by Michael Goodroe. Michael works full time as a data processor and serves as a motivational speaker. He wrote "What Autism Gave Me" to provide hope to others facing the challenges. I have an unexpected story of hope to share. As a young … unable to answer simple questions or follow simple commands. I lacked basic motor skills. Testing revealed a diagnosis of autism with a low IQ and significant motor problems. Experts insisted that leading an independent life would be impossible …
Study Confirms “Optimal Outcomes” Rare but Real among Children with Autism…   Some children diagnosed with autism in early childhood reach “optimal outcomes” with levels of function similar to their typical peers. The findings appear today in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. "Although the diagnosis of autism is not usually lost over time, the findings suggest that there is a very wide range of possible outcomes," says …
Macau Tower will Light It Up Blue for April, World Autism Month… Macau Convention & Entertainment Centre  will Light It Up Blue on April 2, 2017 in honor of World Autism Awareness Day! Located in Macau, a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, the tower began … trade events, and has welcomed many national leaders and important figures over the years.  In cooperation with the Macau Autism Association, the entire complex will be lit blue for one whole month in honor of World Autism Month. Additionally, a …