
Video: 10 things teens on the autism spectrum wish you knew… We asked teens on the autism spectrum what they want others to know about them.  Watch the video below to read some of their answers. … Video (Responsive)."]}   … Video: 10 things teens on the autism spectrum wish you knew …
Advocates and researchers discuss solutions to reduce autism health care disparities… school,” Feng said. “Here, you have the right to fight for your children. This is why we love this country.” Kim Kaiser, an autism patient navigator, sees how families with few or no resources, little support, and economic and physical barriers to … with meeting their children’s needs.  This reality existed for families in New York City, where she began her career in autism services, as well as the rural upstate New York region where she now lives and works. Each environment presents its …
How Sheryl Crow influenced this young man with autism to pursue music… Noah Cummins. Noah was born and raised in Park Ridge Illinois and is the youngest of five brothers and was diagnosed with autism at the age of two. Noah now lives in Nashville Tennessee where he studies commercial music at Belmont University. His … I am the youngest of five brothers and was born and raised in Park Ridge Illinois. At the age of two I was diagnosed with autism. I am now a twenty two year old commercial music major at my dream school, Belmont University. The one thing that has … make a difference in someone else’s life then I will be very happy indeed. … How Sheryl Crow influenced this young man with autism to pursue music …
INSAR Day 1: MSSNG research reveals new genes associated with autism… At Wednesday’s International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) 2022 Annual Meeting Press Conference, seven researchers previewed their findings on topics ranging from the genetic causes of autism to chronic physical health disorders in adults. Included among these, Dr. Brett Trost, research associate at the The …
Autism Speaks Grantee Recipient Story: River City Inclusive GymAutism Speaks supports community programs that provide people with autism with fulfilling social and educational experiences through the Autism Speaks Local Impact Grant program .  River City …
Autism Speaks and CAAAC host research conference for Chinese American community… This Sunday, December 4, 2022, the Chinese American Association for Autistic Community (CAAAC), in collaboration with Autism Speaks, is hosting its inaugural conference on autism across the life span . CAAAC is a nonprofit organization founded to unite and serve Chinese Americans in the autism
I have autism & I turned my passion for sports into my dream job… my gratitude towards him. The Next Chapter:  I want to do more than share my story. I want to become an ambassador for the autism community and a mentor for aspiring sports professionals. I want to continue enduring obstacles and improve my … opportunities for others. As Kevin Garnett said after winning the 2008 NBA Championship, “Anything is possible!" … I have autism & I turned my passion for sports into my dream job …
INSAR Day 2: The Lancet Commission reports on the future of autism care and research… Despite the increase in autism awareness and prevalence in recent years, many autistic people around the world do not have access to the care and … consideration when thinking about delivering quality care for autistic people is the heterogeneity, or diversity, of autism. Autism manifests in a variety of symptoms that can vary widely in presentation and severity from person to person. …
Self-advocates and researchers open summit on addressing transition to adulthood for people with autism… WASHINGTON, D.C. – Autism Speaks kicked off a two-day Thought Leadership Summit on Transition to Adulthood with presentations from a panel of self-advocates and two researchers whose focus area is transition. Moderated by Autism Speaks Vice President of Services and Supports Val Paradiz, a panel of three self-advocates discussed their …
Paper Mill Playhouse: The Magic School Bus Autism Friendly PerformanceAutism-Friendly performances are theater experiences in which the environment and typical “rules of attendance” have been relaxed to accommodate individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities and the families and professional who support them … Paper Mill Playhouse: The …