
Parents seek help discussing autism with newly diagnosed 9-year-old…   This answer is from psychologist Lauren Elder. Our son, age 9, was recently diagnosed with autism. He knows something's up, but we’re not sure how to explain. Advice? Yours is a difficult situation shared by many … Here are some tips for starting the conversation and preparing some answers for questions that your son may ask: Explain autism in terms of your child’s strengths and weaknesses You may want to focus on what he’s good at, and then discuss what’s … as weaknesses. Give some examples for yourself, his siblings and other people he knows. Provide basic information about autism Depending on your son’s maturity and understanding, you may want to continue by talking about what autism means . You …
I want to see more autism acceptance in schools to put an end to bullying… This guest post is by Kerry Magro , a professional speaker, best-selling author and autism entertainment consultant who is on the autism spectrum. A version of this blog appeared on . One of the quotes I often see out there in the autism
Youth with autism gain and keep jobs after employer-based skills program… This article originally appeared on the Virginia Commonwealth University News .   Nearly all high school youth with autism spectrum disorder who participated in an intensive job skills program gained and maintained meaningful part-time … by researchers at  Virginia Commonwealth University . Three months after graduation, 90 percent of the young people with autism who took part in the program acquired competitive, part-time jobs that paid between $9.53 and $10.66 an hour. A year …
Autism 'treatment pathway' helps docs find causes for problem behavior… originally appearing in Pediatrics Nationwide , a blog by Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Issues causing children with autism spectrum disorder to be irritable and act out can be difficult for parents, teachers and other care providers to uncover. In part, this is because many children – and adults – affected by autism have difficulty communicating pain and distress . Making matters worse, it can take months to see an autism
Can ABA help a teen on the mildly affected end of the autism spectrum?… answer is by behavior analysts Sungwoo Kahng and Janine Stichter, of the University of Missouri’s Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. The Thompson Center is one of 14 sites in the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN). Can ABA help a teen on the mildly affected end of the autism spectrum? …
From skin cells to brain cells for autism research: Part Two… Discoveries made by this Autism Speaks postdoctoral fellow are advancing our understanding of genetic differences in autism – bringing us closer to personalized treatments  By Autism Speaks Meixner Fellow Aditi Deshpande (class of 2014-16). …
Autism Speaks opens applications for Norma and Malcom Baker Recreation Grants… September 7, 2021 NEW YORK - Autism Speaks, the global non-profit dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of people with autism and their families, today announced the opening of applications for the final cycle of Norma and Malcom Baker …
Autism Speaks and Royal Arch Masons expand funding for auditory-processing research…   Autism Speaks, with the support of the Royal Arch Masons, announces two new funding opportunities for research dedicated to understanding, identifying and helping children with central auditory processing disorders . Many people with autism have auditory processing challenges. They often include difficulty using, understanding and filtering speech and …
INSAR Day 1: MSSNG research presents new findings in autism and genomics … During the first day of presentations at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) annual meeting on Tuesday, May 4, Stephen Scherer, Ph.D., presented a range of updates on autism genetics and gene-environment interactions based on his work with several whole genome databases, including Autism
Join Autism Speaks for a virtual webinar: Service Provider Connect - New England… about ways to strengthen relationships, facilitate information and resource sharing to best serve the needs of people with autism and their families. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and share feedback with Autism Speaks staff. … Join Autism Speaks for a virtual webinar: Service Provider Connect - New England …