
Parents Seek Autism App to Help Child Transition with Less Anxiety … at Vanderbilt University’s Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital. Dr. Madduri is also a co-principle investigator for Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network center at Vanderbilt. I’m happy to report that, yes, we have an app for that. We call it …
Parent seeks help for socially anxious preschooler who has autism … Today’s “Got Questions?” response is by psychologist John Danial, a 2012 Autism Speaks Weatherstone predoctoral fellow. Dr. Danial’s fellowship supported his work with mentor Jeffrey Wood at the … Los Angeles, developing and evaluating behavioral interventions that reduce anxiety in children, teens and adults with autism and low verbal skills. He is currently completing his post-doctoral placement at Pediatric Minds Early Childhood …
Autism & anxiety: Parents seek help for extreme reaction to loud noise… Reaven’s conducted research on the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety in adolescents with autism, with the support of an Autism Speaks research grant . Our 12-year-old son has autism, mild intellectual disability and anxiety attacks so severe …
Ten things I've learned in my ten years as an autism mom… This blog post was written by Kathy Hooven and her son, Ryan, who has autism. You can read more about Kathy and her family on her blog,  The AWEnesty of Autism.   My son Ryan was diagnosed with autism ten years ago. Wow, ten years…that doesn’t even seem possible. In some ways, …
Autism Speaks elects two new members to its national board… PRINCETON, NJ  - Autism Speaks, the nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting solutions across the spectrum and throughout the life span for people with autism and their families, announces the election of Bill O’Connor and Subriana Pierce to its national board of directors, …
Autism, probiotics and dietary fiber: Q&A with GI Specialist Tim Buie … Thank you for your response to “Autism and Probiotics” the second segment in Autism Speaks’ “Office Hours” series with GI specialist Timothy Buie. (See video below). Dr. Buie is the director of …
My son with autism is overcoming his challenges, finding his strengths… and near-depression that he endured as a result of snowballing life stress. But David has now come to terms with his autism and has embraced his uniqueness; with therapies, faith, and life-altering realizations, he has learned what he needs … thrive, and be happy. Dave has learned how to utilize his gifts and strengths, and he has made a true impact because of his autism, not in spite of it. He is an impactful teacher with a unique style. He strives to encourage youth to go for their … dismayed to learn of his brothers’ inherited traits. His statement? “Thank God I’m not color-blind! Thank God I only got autism!” Clearly everything is relative! Oh sure, there are times in our journey together that I wish had never happened , …
How my cousin inspired to me to write "Unstoppable: A Song for Autism"… cousin Anthony was diagnosed at an early age. That was the first time in my life that I had to ask the question, “What is autism?” I was in my early 20’s at the time that he was diagnosed and I couldn’t quite grasp it. He always was very … and become more verbal. He’s able to go to school and learn in an isolated classroom and is very smart. Like any kid with autism, he has his good days and bad ones, but brightens up your life whenever you are around him. You could be having the …
Dear future husband: Thank you for accepting my brother with autism… This blog post is by 17-year-old Seana Wheeler. Seana's 15-year-old brother Ethan is on the autism spectrum.    To the man who chose me, There are many reasons I am with you. Yet, you and I both know that at the top … of reasons is one very simple fact. That fact being you chose me, accepted me and you chose and accepted my brother with autism.   We both know when it came to choosing a life partner, being accepting of and informed about autism was a major …
Son Frustrated by Clumsiness: Just His Autism? What Can Help?… “Our 10-year-old son has high-functioning autism. He really wants to play with other kids at recess but has a hard time catching and kicking balls. We tried soccer to improve his skills. But he comes home angry because he keeps missing that ball. Is his clumsiness just a part of his autism, or is there something we can do to help?” This week’s “Got Questions?” answer is by occupational therapist Alison …