
After years of therapy my son with autism is now playing basketball… This guest post is by Jill Briesch, a tax accountant from Dallas, TX who has two sons, one with autism. She and her family are the DFW Node ambassador family for the Autism BrainNet Initiative.   For seven Saturdays, I’ve sat on the same bench and thought the same thoughts. “We’re not …
I'm finally ready to talk about my son with autism's epilepsy… This guest blog post is by Lisa Vaillancourt. She is the proud mother of two adult sons. Alex, 22, was diagnosed with autism in 1998 and epilepsy in 2014. Lisa is his daily sidekick, but is fully aware that he’s the one who teaches her every day. Our son was diagnosed with autism twenty years ago. Before he acquired language, he made noises all day, every day.  When he started to speak around … hear him talking, he’s not having a seizure.  These days I am so very grateful for echolalia. In 1998, I knew nothing about autism so I started reading.  In twenty years I’ve studied a LOT. You can’t really read about autism without once in a while …
Help for child with autism who forgets to use toilet when distracted… analyst Daniel W. Mruzek, of the University of Rochester Medical Center. The medical center is one of 14 sites in the  Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network. You raise two great questions! First, how can we help our children initiate trips to the bathroom, …
Talking to your child about tragedy: Six tips for the autism community… Dr. Peter Faustino, New York Delegate to the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and member of the Autism Speaks Family Services Committee. Dr. Faustino co-founded the Student Clubs for Autism Speaks at Fox Lane Middle School, which helps further the mission of Autism Speaks through education, awareness, …
My brother has autism, this is what it feels like to be his sister… This is post by Lulu Mann, age nine. Lulu's brother has autism. The post originally appeared on the lifestyle platform WOLF + FRIENDS. The look   The look is something that all people like me see, all the time. The look is not pleasant, not at all. People with autism are...different. People with sensory issues are different. Everybody knows that. They are  different.  Not weird, not … is weird, which makes them think you’re weird. This makes people unimaginably sad, and sometimes people misunderstand autism, and other special needs, thinking that because you're related to someone  different,  you are someone like that. …
Eleven reasons why autism moms deserve a special Mother's Day… This blog post was written by Kathy Hooven , mother to a son with autism. You can read more about Kathy and her family on her blog,  The AWEnesty of Autism.'s almost Mother's Day. That magical day when the Fairy Godmother shows up and grants all mothers their …
Video: Autism researcher presents findings on self-determination in planning for transition to adulthood… shared her work on the role of self-determination in supporting autistic people as they transition to adulthood at the Autism Speaks Thought Leadership Summit on Transition to Adulthood. As director of the Kansas University Center on … all areas of their lives, and how to change attitudes and beliefs in the community about people with disabilities. … Video: Autism researcher presents findings on self-determination in planning for transition to adulthood …
He is one lucky boy to be your son: A letter to an autism dad… This is a post by Kimberlee Rutan McCafferty , mother to two sons on the autism spectrum and an Autism Family Partner at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).    Dear Jeff, It is sixteen years ago this month …
Join Autism Speaks for a virtual webinar: Your Child’s School Community-Upper Mid-West… a parent, teacher or school employee, discover the resources tools and strategies you need to better support students with autism in your school community. Who should attend: Local service providers, community providers, teachers and education staff members, medical providers, faith-based organizations, people with autism and caregivers. … Join Autism Speaks for a virtual webinar: Your Child’s School Community-Upper Mid-West …
The amazing day my son with autism first said 'I love you'… to a different pre-school.  In the middle of a divorce and working night shifts, I blamed myself. Brandon was diagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder in November of 2016, when he was four and a half. This was a long time coming, thanks to an amazing … if I never hear him say it again, it all paid off for a lifetime. I love him too...very much. … The amazing day my son with autism first said 'I love you' …