
What I learned from managing employees on the autism spectrum… process.  New employees must receive security clearances, learn IT capabilities, review company policies, complete insurance forms and fulfill many other startup tasks.      Through the onboarding program Quest implemented to bring on …
Study offers a new model for primary care clinics serving adults with autism… a number of needs, particularly those related to navigating applications for state support and the transition to private insurance after the end of school services at age 22. Procedure videos. The CAST clinic produced four videos for patients …
What to do when your friend’s child is diagnosed with autism… do it. You cannot imagine the to-do list that was just dumped on your friend’s lap. Diagnosis means endless phone calls to insurance companies, state services, school districts, early intervention, speech, PT, OT, endless coordination of …
Should I pursue an autism diagnosis as an adult?… job placement services for people with disabilities, including autism. A diagnosis of autism might also help you get health insurance coverage for treatment of the sensory issues you describe. Again, such services – and the requirements for …
Genetic testing for autism… in the future. Your specialist or genetic counselors can help guide you as new tests or information becomes available. As insurance coverage changes and new standards are adopted, you may now be covered for these new tests.  Genetic testing has …
Graduating from the pediatrician to the adult doctor… care does not happen with the flick of a switch at age 18, 21 or when a child is no longer covered by a parent’s health insurance. Instead, it is a process and doctors agree parents should start planning for the transition around age 14.   …
It's ok to ask for help… we thought would never end. Food refusals. A few attempts at elopement. Figuring out how to pay for services without insurance coverage. Issues with transportation and schools. Aggression. Finding friends. Justin’s tic disorder coming to …
How technology can help people with autism succeed in the workplace… off the top of my head, I can think of a friend who works from home as an accountant and one who works from home for an insurance company. And that's without even touching the many lucrative outlets for freelance work. The opportunities are out …
Bridging to the Future… Care and Lenape Valley Foundation. The sessions will include information on finance, disability services, legal rights, insurance, and college and career planning, how to prepare for the transition, legal aspects, financial planning, rights and …
Gifts that leave a legacy… as a beneficiary of the following investment instruments, you and your heirs can likely avoid inheritance taxes. life insurance policies individual retirement accounts (IRA) - such as 401(k) and 403(b) annuities – provided the plan continues after death checking, savings or other financial accounts Contact your insurance company, retirement account holder, financial advisor or bank to request a beneficiary designation form. To …