
Front Door Info Session (English) - Webinar By Autism Society: Western New York… Front Door Info Session (English) - Webinar By Autism Society: Western New York …
Region 1 Self-Direction Information Session via WebEx By Autism Society: Western New York… Region 1 Self-Direction Information Session via WebEx By Autism Society: Western New York …
Pre-Teen Social Group (9 - 12 years old) By Autism Society of Greater New Orleans… Pre-Teen Social Group (9 - 12 years old) By Autism Society of Greater New Orleans …
Front Door Info Session (English) - Webinar By Autism Society: Western New York… Front Door Info Session (English) - Webinar By Autism Society: Western New York …
Region 1 Self-Direction Information Session via WebEx By Autism Society: Western New York… Region 1 Self-Direction Information Session via WebEx By Autism Society: Western New York …
Pre-Teen Social Group (9 - 12 years old) By Autism Society of Greater New Orleans… Pre-Teen Social Group (9 - 12 years old) By Autism Society of Greater New Orleans …
Celebrating 15 years of progress, Autism Speaks unveils reimagined visual identity and effort to make 2020 its “Year of Kindness”… NEW YORK - Today, Autism Speaks celebrates its 15th birthday by unveiling a reimagined visual identity and launching a commitment to make 2020 the “Year of Kindness” for people with autism, through one million acts of kindness big and small. Founded in 2005, Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting …
Willie Nelson and other special guests Join Neil Young for Autism Speaks Light Up The Blues 6 Concert… Oliver Stills, and more, along with many special guests, in Los Angeles on Saturday, April 22 at the Greek Theatre for the Autism Speaks Light Up The Blues 6 Concert, presented by the Indianapolis Colts. Hosted once again by Kristen and Stephen … Trus t and Eleven Eleven Foundation and benefactors Neudesic and MCM Products USA Inc . The concert will celebrate the autism community, while helping to fuel Autism Speaks’ work to provide resources and services for all autistic individuals, …
Parents and researchers address how complex care systems affect services and success for teens and adults with autism… WASHINGTON, D.C. – The second panel discussion at the Autism Speaks Thought Leadership Summit on Transition to Adulthood focused on how the education, support services and health systems intersect as parents manage care for their children with autism. Three parents of teens and young adults with autism, ranging in age from 15 to 28, described how the many …
Just because you can’t see our autism, doesn’t mean we don’t have challenges… This guest post is by Ryan Lee and Bekki Semenova, two rising autism self-advocates. To learn more about Ryan, view his YouTube channel  and website, Ryan's Heart . Autism affects each person on the spectrum differently, meaning some can be affected more than others. Still, the lack of …