
Autistic burnout: When navigating a neurotypical world becomes too much… This excerpt from the Adult Autism Diagnosis Tool Kit was written by Brigid Rankowski and Lydia Wayman, self-advocates and Autism Speaks contributors. Navigating a world designed for neurotypical minds can present some unique challenges when your …
Why do I need a diagnosis as an adult?… You may be wondering why you need an autism diagnosis, especially if you have lived without one for many years in adulthood. Many young adults and adults who suspect they may have autism are afraid or unwilling to seek an official diagnosis because of the stigma they may feel is associated with the …
The new normal in public transit and paratransit during COVID … more pleasant and relaxing since there are fewer people out, including on most public transit options. For some people with autism these changes make the trips and outings easier.  In addition to the environmental changes, many transit systems have … new contactless systems.  Personal needs: Snacks or beverages, or other support tools you may need.  … Dr. Feeley is an autism transportation researcher and the Transportation Autism Project Manager at the Rutgers Center for Advanced …
Tips for autistic job seekers to find the right job… A fundamental part of Autism Speaks mission is to increase understanding and acceptance of people with autism, including in the workplace. One way we are doing that is through our Workplace Inclusion Now TM program which helps …
Neurodiversity in the Workplace Curriculum…   As Autism Speaks looks toward solutions for adults with autism in employment, open-sourced information like the Neurodiversity in the Workplace Curriculum by  The Arc of …
Coaches Powering Forward Week unites the NCAA community…   – National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) basketball teams across the country will display their support for the autism community by wearing Autism Speaks puzzle-piece pins at games during the week of February 21-28. Autism Speaks Coaches Powering Forward campaign …
Cheryl Chafos honors her late son, Zachary… away on August 24, 2021. I don’t want Zachary’s life to feel like it was a waste or that he wasn’t here just because he had autism.” The first thing Cheryl Chafos will tell you about her son Zachary, Zach to those lucky enough to know him, is that … surfing. He had his first taste in Belmar, NJ, in 2011 through Surfers Healing, a California-based surf camp for kids with autism, and was instantly hooked. Every year after, he looked forward to catching waves with professional surfers for his …
12 ways to beat the heat this summer… Leah Behrens is a stay at home mother of two children on the autism spectrum. It's almost summertime! The time to leave school in the dust, explore the great outdoors, and work on your … Unless, of course, sensory sensitives leaves them feeling personally victimized by the sun. I have two children on the autism spectrum - each with their own unique sensory reactivity. One loves the heat, while the other finds the warmth to be …
Supporting Your Other Children… Parents of children with autism can be under tremendous stress. It may seem like there is never enough time to do everything that needs to be done. So much focus and attention is placed on the child with autism, that it is common for parents to have little time or energy left to focus on their other children. Brothers and …
Five Tips for Brothers and Sisters… As a result of her work with many families who deal so gracefully with the challenges of autism, family therapist Kathryn Smerling, Ph.D., offers five tips for siblings, that originally appeared in the Autism Speaks 100 Day Kit: Remember that you are not alone! Every family is confronted with life’s challenges… and yes, …