
How Grandparents Can Support Their Children… A major concern for grandparents is the wellbeing of their adult children who are parenting a child with autism. Because a child’s autism diagnosis can lead to emotional, financial and marital stress, grandparents frequently play a significant role in …
Taking Care of Yourself… Caring for a child with autism can be physically exhausting and emotionally draining. Parenting responsibilities can create extraordinary stress. … your family. Difficult emotions may resurface from time to time. There may be times when you feel helpless and angry that autism has resulted in a life that is much different than the one you had planned. Remember, you will also experience …
Keeping Your Marriage Strong… spouse and keep the lines of communication open. In addition to the normal demands of marriage, parents of a child with autism may also experience: Additional stress from navigating the maze of agencies, funding sources and paperwork to help … enrichment activities, etc. Tips to keep your marriage strong while dealing with the everyday challenges of living with autism: Communicate! The more you can communicate in challenging times, the stronger you will be as a couple. You and your …
How You Can Help Your Brother or Sister… the differences between the two of you. Many siblings like you have said that it can be hard to get close to a sibling with autism. Sometimes your sibling’s behaviors may make it seem like he or she is not interested, or you may have difficulty … Together as a family, you can figure out ways to make sure everyone is happy! Read more from A Sibling’s Guide to Autism . … A Sibling's Guide to Autism … How You Can Help Your Brother or Sister …
Autism-friendly holidays: How to make sure all is calm when all is bright… visits to relatives, the smells, the songs and the chaos of it all! However, my 17 year-old son, Jackson, who has profound autism, doesn’t share all my enthusiasm. Over the years, I have learned to adjust my expectations for what I felt we were … your own using your smartphone or  our website . Reduce the stress – for you and your child Remember that your child with autism is often able to pick up on your “fa-la-la-stress.” It is important to take a few minutes for yourself here and …
Meet Scott and Michelle Rubin… has a decade of work experience behind him and is looking to move out on his own. Along the way, Michelle built Autism After 21, to help other autistic young adults transition to employment. Autism Speaks awarded the organization two grants for its efforts, including most recently in 2019 for its SOAR program. …
Thank you, Moms, for inspiring us all… This Mother’s Day, Autism Speaks celebrates all of the moms in our community. Autism moms often face challenges, but your dedication to helping your child reach his or her goals and succeed to the best …
Autism-related guidelines for healthcare providers … In recent years, the journal  Pediatrics  has published several special issues on the healthcare of children and teens with autism. The leadership of the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network  (ATN) spearheaded the development of these medical guidelines and reports, as part …
Giving Thanks: Autistic adult credits his family, friends and therapy for his good life… My name is Sean H. I’m 34-years-old and I have autism.   I was diagnosed at 2, but I didn’t really understand that I had autism until the third grade when I started being bullied for being different. Unfortunately, it would continue through …
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waivers… health benefits for those who meet eligibility requirements. The program provides for people with disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities. A Medicaid waiver is a provision which allows the federal … waiting lists to receive those waiver services. Medicaid HCBS fund the majority of lifelong supports that people with autism and their families rely on throughout their life spans to live, remain safe and participate in their communities. One … transfer between states. This means that moving to a new state means starting over with the evaluation process. Are there autism-specific HCBS waivers? It is important to check with your state. You can start with Medicaid’s list of waivers . Some …