
Signs of autism… with the developmental milestones that your child should be reaching. The list below gives some examples of common types of behaviors you might see in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).  Not  all  autistic children will have  … repetition of words or phrases (echolalia) Resistance to minor changes in routine or surroundings Restricted interests Repetitive behaviors (flapping, rocking, spinning, etc.) Unusual and intense reactions to sounds, smells, tastes, textures, …
Meet Alivia and Sophia… your daughters before their diagnosis?   Alivia was born with severe health issues that caused us to overlook her autistic behaviors and traits. It was the early intervention team that advised us that she displayed many signs of autism around 20 … on to eliminate and to improve for our girls. The one autistic behavior we wished would just magically disappear is the repetitive scripts that Alivia says over and over again. She consistently needs reassurance from us. If you could give one …
AGRE Diagnostic Information… in the AGRE pedigree catalog. Other measures conducted during the diagnostic evaluation include the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, the Raven Colored Progressive Matrices, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, and the Stanford-Binet … for autism on the ADI-R, subjects must meet the required cutoff scores on the domains of social interaction, communication, repetitive behaviors, and age of onset.  It should be understood that while AGRE uses ADI-R data to derive these affected status …
Mom perplexed by toddler stimming… children come to our autism center for behavioral therapy. It’s great that you’re being proactive in recognizing that these repetitive behaviors can become barriers to your son interacting with people who don’t understand them. Safety first Before we get into …
Social Communication Disorder: Parents Seek Guidance… individuals with autism share these difficulties. But to receive a diagnosis of ASD under DSM-5, one must also have the repetitive behaviors and/or restricted interests typical of autism. (You can read the full DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for SCD and …
Can food allergies aggravate autism symptoms?… stomach pain, lethargy, or hyperactivity. Or they can be behavioral – for example, acting out irritation or retreating into repetitive behaviors. Parents often list milk, gluten, soy, corn and egg proteins as the primary offenders.  Typically, we work with …
Nutrition… that can make a nutritious diet especially difficult. Food sensitivities, gastroenterological issues and restricted or repetitive behaviors are just a few examples. The following resources can help you and your family overcome these challenges.  Tool …
Autism Speaks welcomes Dr. Brian Boyd as newest member of science advisory group … of Kansas, studies behavior-based interventions for young and school-age children with autism as well as restricted, repetitive behaviors in autism. “Dr. Boyd’s impressive body of research and dedication to improving the lives of children with autism …
Sensory processing disorder (SPD)… typical ways.  What does SPD look like in people with autism?  Sensory processing disorders may be at the root of some repetitive behaviors and strengths like attention to detail which can be observed by an autistic person’s responses to external input …
BPD and autism… distinct mental health conditions in the DSM-5. BPD is a personality disorder characterized by unstable emotions, impulsive behavior, and an unstable sense of self. ASD is a neurological and developmental disorder that involves challenges in social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. However, upon closer examination, there is a BPD and autism overlap since …